Chapter VI: The First Day (Pt 2)

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"Alright, thanks for doing this. It took a lot less time that I figured it would, but then again, there wasn't exactly much to look at today." Amaya dropped the two boys of Pallet Town off at their cabin. "I guess you guys got the rest of the day off."

"Thanks for the ride!" They said, simultaneously.

"Smell ya later!" The scientist laughed, riding off on her Pokémon. Ash elbowed the brunette, who crossed his arms and rolled his eyes in return.

Their stomachs rumbled at the same time. "Maybe we should eat something... Y'know, just maybe."


Checking inside the cabinets and fridge, however, proved there to be no food in the house.

"What?! That crazy lady left us to starve?!" Gary was pacing around the living room, while Ash sat on the floor. Heck, it was more comfortable than those awful couches. "We don't even have transportation to the Poké Mart... You're telling me we have to trudge through all that thick snow again?! All way back?!"

I swear he's going insane... Ash thought. He grabbed onto the bottom of the researcher's jacket sleeve. "Save your energy. We have to walk for at least an hour and a half before we get anything."

He nodded. "You're right. Can we call that crazy bitch back? No... She probably won't pick up, she's driving a Pokémon. W-What about deliveries? I don't think anybody around here is willing to do that. Okay. Stay calm. Starvation takes much longer than two hours, right?" He grabbed Ash and picked him up by the sweatshirt collar. "RIGHT?!"

"Hey! Chill out!" Ash broke free and tackled the brunette to the ground. He sat on top of the boy, straddling him, staring at him, trying to talk some sense into him. "You just need to relax. I think you need some food, and some sleep. You take a nap, and when you come back, I'll have some ramen waiting for you-"

"N-No!" the angry boy grabbed Ash by the shoulders. "If you're going anywhere, I'm going with you.

You could freeze out there."

Ash nodded submissively and stood up, offering Gary a hand.



Four hours later, the boys were finally back with eight frozen pizzas, ten packages of ramen noodles, and two boxes of Cheerios (with two gallons of milk, of course.)

So it was about 4 o'clock in the afternoon when they had finally gotten something to eat other than breakfast bars.

Where the heck is that lady with our paper plates?! She said she'd bring them today... Gary thought as he stirred the noodles.

"Ahh!" The ravenette yelled for some reason, and Gary ran across the room to see what was the matter.

"What? What happened?" He cried as he ran over, realizing how genuinely worries he was. Holy crap, what if I do like him that way? No.... I just don't want him to get hurt. You can care about someone and not have romantic feelings, right?

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