Chapter 4

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Hello reader~senpai!!! Lei~chan here with my Husband Mr. Skittles! Mr. Skittles just wanted to say hi!! Say hi Honey!

Mr. Skittles: Hi~~!

Anyways, let's get back to the story


Ashlynn's POV

Okay, this is working totally fine..Nothing had gone completely wrong except for the face that many boys are staring at me while I am just sitting at my beach towel, reading my favorite book called Game of Thrones written by George R.R. Martin.

While having a moment of relaxation, unfortunately Brendan is walking towards me..Must be one of his plans to make Kawaii~Chan date him, well Brendan she's with Prince Reese!

" Hey Ash, have you seen Kawaii~chan?" Brendan asked, geez I knew it!

"Go look for her yourself, I'm not getting involve any of your drama plans" I rudely said.

" aww..come on, please can you help me! Aphmau is sleeping and I don't want her to wake up." Brendan pleaded, kneeling in front of me like a man who's trying to ask her girlfriend to marry him.

"Nope, go ask somebody or just do it by YOUURSELF." I grabbed my book and my beach towel and head over to my hut then closed the door.

Seriously? What's up with him? Sometimes I hate him, I said sometimes because he helped improve the houses at Phoenix drop, farming and improve every bits of the pathway but I hate him because he is so ugh, dependent on love. Sometimes he needs to do it by himself.

A knock from the door, I hope that person isn't Brendan.

I opened the door and -- Laurence? What the heck is he doing in here?

"Hey Ash, let's hang out!!" Say what?! He then grabbed my hand then pulled me into the roller coaster.

" What the heck?! I didn't even say yes! And no, I don't want to so let me go this instant"

" well, can you say no to this!" He pointed the roller coaster, woah... It's super duper awesome!

"Okay I'm in, let's go!" We grabbed some tickets and of course for emergencies if someone needs to barf I brought a paper bag.

Me and Laurence are now in our seats in the front, oh and also, Aphmau was here with Garroth...super hot..say what?! No no no no NO, that is seriously disgusting.

"Okay passengers, in 3...2...1... here we go!"

OMG we're going up! OMG the view over here is so cool! I can even see Brendan, sitting over there with Emmalyn...was that her name was? Awww...I'm sorry but those two are so cute, why can't Brendan see she's the one? Ugh, boys these days are so -- wait are we ---

"AAHHH!!!!!!!" I scream, omg I didn't know it was going down ( I'm going timber~~! Oops. Sorry ) Laurence is now laughing his butt on me, great.

~~~~~~1 hour and 30 minutes later~~~

I've gotta admit, that was super awesome and so long. Laurence then grabbed my paper bag and barf his face off. HAHAHa revenge!

While We were on our way into our huts for a lunch, Garroth grabbed my hand then pulled me into some kind of garden with roses? And a picnic set?

"H-h-hey u-uh...c-can w-we h-have a..a p-picnic t-t-together?..if you don't want it's okay --"

" are you kidding me? I feel honor to have lunch with you! Come on let's eat."

We were now sitting at our picnic blanket, with some foods here and yeah, me and Garroth were having a 'get to know about you' since we didn't have time for ourselves to talk.

He told me about his secret on being the O'khasis soon to be Lord then the arrange marriage between Scaleswind and O'khasis, then how his brother was evil and things like that.

I didn't tell him about MY secret well, I don't want them to find out that I am a Princess of the hugest kingdom of all, Kingdom of Kintsu. He said that O'khasis were planning something from my dad -- I mean the king but it didn't happen because the plan failed.

After lunch, we cleaned up the picnic set then afterwards we go to the beach to build some sand castles and it was fun!

Then I tried burying Garroth alive which is funny because Zayn toss a fish to him then suddenly a numerous cats came after him Hahahahahahaha!

It was now nighttime, we are now walking to our huts.

" ha! Your face *laughs* priceless! Hahaha!"

"At least I didn't have sand on my eyes then screaming like Ah! My eyes it burns!"

"Whatever, it was fun though"

"Yeah.." As we look into our eyes deeply, he kissed me...on the forehead. I blushed from that, now I have the tomato face...

"Well goodnight ash, see you tomorrow"

"Yeah..see you tomorrow..." I walked in to my hut then locked the door, am I still blushing? stomach feels so weird..and my heart feels like it's going to explode..

What's wrong with me?


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