Chapter 3 - let the cat in

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Even though it feels as if the night has lasted an eternity, I'm home by ten. Naturally, I stored Grant's phone number on my cell phone and nowhere else. My dating life was growing more tragic by the minute. Time to worry about him tomorrow.

I'm famished, so I dig through the fridge for anything meat-like. Nothing but a pound of raw hamburger. Probably for tomorrow. But I can't wait. I grab it and head for my room. Hey, a cat's gotta eat, right? Don't judge me.

The only emails are from Cherry Hill friends. I consider warning them that their phone numbers, addresses, and Instagram accounts may be in the hands of vile gangsters. But then the vile gangsters of which I speak will likely intercept that email. Note to self: make a new email account.

Nothing from Antonio or my sister. I wonder again who Antonio has connections with. How can he find out what Jack tells the cops? He mentioned calling that detective who is, apparently, now an ex-detective. Was Antonio his informant? All cops had them. Even on Southland. They tended to die early in the season. I hope Antonio is more careful.

Light hits my window for a few seconds and the garage door slides open. I cock an ear toward my door and listen as my mother and her retirement fund walk into the kitchen. I wait for a comment about my car being in a slightly different position or the fact that the back seat is covered in black cat hair. But they didn't notice anything off. And another note to self: vacuum up the cat hair.

I don't hear any signs of them moving up the stairs, so I sit at the computer, impatiently waiting. Finally, an email from ladysman716 comes through. I groan. I'm not sure what's more disturbing, Antonio's stupid email addy or the fact that there's at least 715 more guys just like him. I read his short note.

Jack awake. Said she was picked up at the ice cream place near home. No mention of you or your pet.

Yes! The ice cream place story was, no doubt, to protect me. The lack of a Panther in her story may be from the drugs she received from Moloch or plain old shock. I'll never know. But that cop sure as heck saw the cat. What would he say?

Footsteps land on the stairs. Time to play innocent stood-up girl crying herself to sleep. I go to shut down the laptop when another email pops up on my screen.

Here kitty kitty...your sister says hi.

I choke back a scream. They have Star. I open it to see the email address.


Cat's Out - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now