Chapter 9: The last day of school

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•2 weeks later•

The tour is over so I'm going back to school. It's the last day. I got out of the car and sighed.

"Becca!" I heard someone call my name. I looked back and saw Jackie and Brenda running in my direction.

"Hey guys!" I hugged them once they caught up to me.

"How was the tour?" Brenda asked.

"Great! I had lots of fun! I even met a cute guy."

"Ooh.. What's his name?" Jackie asked.

"Cody. I met him in Florida. He was on vacation. I don't know where he really lives."

"Oh. What about you and Justin?"

"I'm gonna end it. I caught him kissing some girl."

"I'm sorry." They both hugged me.

"So how are you guys?"

"I'm good," Brenda replied.

"Me too. Sorry I couldn't come to one of your concerts. I really wanted to."

"No, it's cool. I understand."

"Did I mention I have a boyfriend?" Brenda asked.

"You do?! Who?!"

"His name is Jake."

"How'd you meet him?"

"The beach."

"Oh, cool. I should meet him."

The 5 minute bell rang. "Let's go to class," Jackie said. We walked inside the school and I stopped at my locker. Then we walked into class. My locker is right next to the classroom.

*1st hour*

I sat down at my seat in front of Jackie and Brenda. Justin walked over.

"Can we talk?" he asked.

"There's nothing to talk about."

"Yes there is."

"Well maybe I don't want to talk to you."

"Just please hear me out." I just ignored him. "Please?" he begged.

"Fine. You have a minute."

"I didn't kiss that girl that you saw me with on tour. She kissed me. It was just a crazy fan. I didn't even kiss back. I would never hurt you."

"The thing is, I can't trust you. That's the fifth time that's happened and I can't keep believing you."

"It's the truth. Please, give me another chance."

"I gave you a bunch of chances and you keep blowing them. You don't get any more chances. It's over. For good. You might be able to win me back in a couple years but it's over."

He walked away looking sad. Jackie leaned over my desk and asked me, "Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." Just then the teacher came in and class started.

*2nd hour*

I had no friends in my second hour. Luckily today is the last day of school. I sat in my desk bored waiting for the hour to begin. It's the class I hate the most. Math. I can't wait to get out of here.

*3rd hour*

Science. We were finishing up our presentations for the human body. Then we would get our grades.

The last person to present was my frenemy Kelli. One day we're friends and the next day she hates me.

She presented and then the teacher handed us a sheet of paper with our final grades. B+. Sweet.


I sat by Jackie and Brenda. As usual. We just talked and they told me about what I missed while I was on tour. I told them about my tour.

Justin luckily didn't sit by us. But why would he have anyway? We broke up.

*4th hour*

English. We read the whole hour. I grabbed my book off my desk and sat on the floor.

*5th hour*

My last class was gym. We were playing dodgeball. I'm good at dodgeball. It was girls against boys.

I aimed the ball at my friend Tony but instead it hit this guy who likes me named Kyle.

I looked at the clock. 30 seconds left. The teacher told us we could talk to our friends so I waited at the door for the bell to ring. I started counting down. 5, 4, 3, 2! The bell rang! I ran out the door and to my locker. Jackie and Brenda showed up.

"Can you believe it's summer vacation?" Brenda asked.

"No. I'm so happy!"

"I know right?" I grabbed my backpack and put my books and binders inside. I shut my locker.

"I'm gonna go. See ya later guys." I walked to my car and drove home.

"Hey mom," I said as I walked into the house.

"Hi Becca. No more school, right?"

"Yeah. It's done for the summer. Is dad home?"

"No, he's at work."

"Oh," I said disappointed but tried not to show it.

"I have something to tell you. You better sit down."

"Okay." I sat down in the living room and she sat down across from me.

"Honey, this is going to be hard to tell you this. Your father and I are getting divorced. But we're still going to live together for your sake. If it gets to be bad for us though he's going to move into an apartment a mile away so you can still visit him."

Tears blurred my vision. "Ya-you're-ge-getting-da-divorced?" I stuttered.

"I'm sorry." She tried to hug my but I rsn upstairs to my room. I flopped down on my bed and sobbed. I laid there for about ten minutes crying until I stopped. My phone vibrated so I picked it up. Justin texted.

Meet me at Olive Garden in an hour. Wear something nice. 


I put my phone away and got off my bed. I thought about if I should go or not. I decided I would so I got dressed into something nice like he said.

I put lip gloss on and headed downstairs. "Mom, I'm going out."

"Okay. Be safe. I'll call you when I want you home."

"Thanks." I drove to Olive Garden. Justin was waiting for me outside in a tux. He looked hot. What am I saying? We broke up!

"Hey," he greeted me.

"Hi," I said quietly.

"Ready to go inside?"

"Yeah." He reached his hand out waiting for me to take it. I hesitated but took it anyway.

"Hi. How many?" the seater asked.

"Two," Justin replied.

"Okay. Right this way." We followed her to a booth and we sat down. "A waiter will be right with you." She smiled and walked away.

"So why are we here?" I asked Justin.

"I don't know. I just figured... Never mind."


•15 minutes later•

We just got our food. I'm actually having a good time. We talked and I told him about my parents divorce. He comforted me and told me it's gonna be alright. That's one of the reasons I fell for him.

"Becca, I know I already talked to you about it but is there any way you could forgive me? It was a fan, I swear."

I thought about it. I am having a good time and I'm pretty sure he did all of this to apologize. "Of course I can forgive you. But-" I stopped when I saw someone familiar walk over.

"Becca. Hi," he said.


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