chapter 56✿

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The drive to the hospital was fairly silent. The police officers drove Luke and I. I didn't say anything when he got inside the car with me because as much as I hate to admit it, I need him.

The police wouldn't answer any questions I had for them. They wouldn't even tell me who this was regarding which was making me crazy. All they told me was that since I was under eighteen, I had to wait to speak with a doctor at the hospital. Finally, the police car pulls up to the hospital. I get out of the car and run into the hospital as fast as my legs will take me. Did something happen to Michael? I run to the front desk.

"Excuse me! My name is May Clifford. I was brought here by police officers regarding a relative in the hospital. Is my brother okay? What happened?" I ask loudly.

"Okay sweetie, what's your brothers name?" She asks.

"Michael. Michael Clifford. Please- is he okay?"

She types his name into the computer and furrows her brows. "There's no one by that name in our computer."

What does she mean? The police said a relative was brought into the hospital. But if Michael's fine then-Mum.

"Try Sandra Clifford." I say, praying that she once again tells me that name isn't in the system.

She nods her head when a name obviously comes up and it's as if the wind is knocked out of me. "She's in room 442. Her doctor is Doctor Andrews. I'll page him for you." She says.

My heart beats rapidly. What's wrong with my mother? Is she okay? Why is she here? Where's Michael?

I turn to look to the side of me and see Luke standing there. I let out a sigh of relief. I really am glad he's here with me.

"Luke, Why isn't Michael here? Why did they get me but not him?" I ask him, even though I doubt he knows the answer.

"I'll call him right now, okay?" He says as he puts his hand on my forearm.

I nod slowly. He walks away to call Michael, but comes back with an expression I can't decipher.

"I called three times, it goes straight to voicemail. I left him a message though telling him that we're at the hospital and he needs to come now."

"Where the hell is he!" I raise my voice.

Luke puts his hand on my cheek. I don't move away. "Everything will be okay, May." He tries to assure me.

"You don't know that." I say.

"May Clifford?" I hear a voice ask from behind me.

"That's me." I say as I turn around to see a doctor standing there.

"I'm Doctor Andrews, your mother's doctor." He introduces himself, but frankly I could care less about his name right now.

"Is she okay? What happened? Can I see her?" I ask.

"Please." He says as he extends his hand to a room, gesturing me to go in. I walk into the room with the doctor and he begins to shut the door.

"Wait." I tell him. I stand outside the doorway and see Luke going to sit in the waiting area. "Luke." I call him. He looks up and I wave him over. I have no idea what the doctor is about to tell me, but all I know is that I don't want to go through this alone. Luke walks into the room and shuts the door behind him. We all sit at the round table in the center of the room.

"Just tell me what's going on." I say.

The doctor takes a breath. "May, your mother overdosed. A neighbour found her unconscious in her home. We ran tests that told us she had been that way for at least twenty-four hours. She's in a medically induced coma as of right now, seeing as she can't breathe on her own. In situations like these, it is up to the family to decide if they would like to keep them in the coma, or unplug them and let nature take it's course. We are still trying to get in contact with your brother since he is of age and is your mother's next of kin. I know this is a horrible situation and i'm terribly sorry." Doctor Andrews tells me.

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