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Smug, I kept glancing at the red hand-shaped welt on December's solemn freckled face as we all ate lunch in awkward silence. Grayson sat next to me and across from December, his comforting hand on my thigh.

I could tell Mom was trying to start a conversation, she kept muttering and coughing, but to no avail. No one felt like talking. Even Sawyer sensed the tension in the air and laid at my feet quietly.

I was still pissed at Mom for reprimanding me for slapping December. She yelled at me like I was some misbehaving child! I'm twenty-one, for God's sake. She told me I have to forgive her. I have to forgive my sister? The girl who ruined everything for me? That wasn't a sister, that was a monster. December destroys everything she lays her hands, an enemy, a monster.

And she's back. The monster I've hidden away in my closet has come back for me.

Anxiously twisting her dark hair around her finger, Mom finally spoke up. "Des, how is California? Tell us about it."

I groaned. Seriously, why is everyone acting like she just took a short vacation? It's been four years since any of us heard from her. Even my dear mother. She hasn't spoken to any of us!

So when she unexpectedly pops up, everyone acts as this is normal.

December gulped nervously, but glee was present in her eyes. "Well, I performed at Coachella last summer-"

She went on and on about her indie career whilst I wallowed in my frustration. Grayson and Mom humored the bitch.

I remember once I saw her face on a magazine in a 7-Eleven after getting a slushie. That night, I looked her up on the Internet, but I didn't search for any of her songs or music videos. I'm more of a Taylor Swift kinda girl, anyway. Instead, I clicked on a Wikipedia page. It didn't fail to include the fact that she did, indeed, have a fraternal twin sister named Mae Winslow.

I wonder how people know about that? But I digress, there wasn't any mention of the Incident. I bet the paparazzi would have a field day with that exclusive info.

I looked up from picking at my plate. December, still chattering about her music and fame, looked different but not that different since I saw her last.

No wonder I didn't recognize her at first.

Still a brunette, her hair was down to her waist, and the bottom was ombre blond. The very tips of her hair were a coral pink color. Her face has definitely matured, and she lost that baby face we both have. 

I almost giggled as I took a longer look at her outfit. In high school, she was all about dark colors, combat boots and leather jackets. Now she was wearing one of those cream fringe vests with a blue floral dress. And on her head was a daisy flower crown, her signature look now. I hate flower crowns, by the way.

And the biggest difference I've noticed? She looked happy. She looked like she was finally satisfied with life.

Something I wasn't anymore, now that she was back.
December and I were fraternal, but we've always had a sameness to us. Now we looked like two different people. I had dark, almost black hair cropped a little past my shoulder and I was dressed in a maroon V-neck and black yoga pants.
The only thing that was exactly identical about us, were our light blue eyes.

The one thing I had in common with the hippie over there.

I started to listen when Mom asked her if she had a boyfriend.
December's eyes flickered to Grayson's. "No."

That's when I went into overzealous fiancee mode.
I rested my diamond-ring clad finger on the table and clutched Grayson's arm. The brilliant gem glittered in the light.

December's gaze went to the ring. "W-what is that?"
I cocked my head. "What? This ring?"
I held it out so she could admire the sheer beauty of it. Mom spoke quickly before I could. "Dessie, Mae's engaged to Grayson. He's been living here since-"

Grayson and Mom sighed when December pushed her chair out and stalked out of the room, saying. "I'm not hungry anymore."

I just smiled.

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