Ch 11: Prison food

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A/N: First off I want to thank you all for being so fabulously understanding about my being so busy these past weeks! so thank you.

I know this blows but updates will slow down seeing as the semester did just start!!! But I promise I won't just straight up stop updating! I love myself some Lala and Lava Cake too!!

Are we excited to see more of Axels past because it hits you fast!

Lols house above!


Axel POV:

I dropped my bag on the floor of the entryway of the happy green house looking around at the warm walls covered in family photos it was pretty much just as I had remembered. From the looks of it Lola didn't change a thing. maybe she added a photo or a decoration here and there I'm sure the living room was still all orange and cream and the kitchen a happy custard yellow with matching retro fridge.

The old man once told me that he had the house built to his wife's taste and couldn't bear to change it after she died. It never surprised me all that much, even though he was a bit exocentric and owned a damn candy shop his taste was always much more neutral.

How many years has it been since I have seen this place?

Too long.

"Oh good you're here! I was just making lunch!!"

My jaw nearly dropped at the image before me, Lola stood there barefoot in a huge old paint splattered button up, rainbow hair tossed into a quick bun, with nothing but her thick lashes framing her large blue eyes.

She looked almost normal if you could ignore the spoon she had stuck in her hair and the sprinkles on  her nails.

Normal and tiny somehow the minimalism of what she was wearing caged the beast that was Lola.


She laughed, "Well to be honest its more like breakfast since the shop isn't open on Monday's I tend to sleep in. I made chocolate chip pancakes and bacon!!"

"I hate chocolate chip pancakes they- what the fuck is that smell."



I followed her into the kitchen only to freeze at the huge mess of god knows what and the horrible smell of burt food. "You can't cook can you?"

She froze her mad dash to the sink, "I can so! just not well."

Is making candy seriously the only thing she's good at?

"I mean I can bake muffins and cakes really well but cooking...for some reason my cooking turns black and icky like your wardrobe."

I stared at her for a long moment, "get out of the kitchen."

She frowned, "why? its my kitchen Lava Cake."

I snorted, "if it stayed in your care for any longer it would be destroyed, out."

"But I need to eat!"

"I'll cook."

There was no way I was eating whatever concoction she makes on a daily basis.

"But I don't want to eat prison food."

I glared at her, "Lola. get the fuck out of the kitchen before I make you into prison food."

She blinked, "But I want chocolate chip pancakes."

"I'll make the fucking chocolate chip pancakes get out."

She frowned but walked out of the kitchen anyways.

I stared at the horrible mess before me for a moment before I sighed and got to work.


"Its barely been a half hour, how did you do this?"

Lola looked around at the sparkling kitchen, down to her stack of pancakes, and then to me.

I shrugged pouring a glass of orange juice, "I actually worked?"

"but the place was a did you.."

"Lola eat your fucking pancakes before I throw them out the window."

She shoved a piece into her mouth, eyes wide.

I snorted at her childishness.

"These are actually really good!"

I frowned, "did you actually expect prison food?"


This girl..."Lola have I ever told you you're an idiot?"

She pouted, "..all the time." shifting in her seat she looked me over, "the spare bedroom is all set, groceries are happy in the fridge, laundry is down the hall to the left, and the tv remote is on the coffee table. Welcome home Axel."

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