Chapter 9

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*Justin's P.O.V.*
I woke up with a huge headache pounding inside my head, I felt dizzy. I looked around and realized I was in someone's house, I took a quick glance at the family photos on the counter. It was people I didn't know at all, have I been kidnapped?

I now started looking at the photos on the wall, there was one photo that had a familiar face on it. I studied it for a second then I realized who it was BECKY!! I must be in her house.

I was about to get up until someone beside me grunted. I got scared, Did I sleep with someone, I gasped IS THIS BECKY!?!!? I looked down to see if my clothes were still on, they were I sighed in relief... Thank god.

I took off the blanket and apparently it was Luke, I felt uncomfortable being this close to him so I shook him awake hoping he would open his eyes anytime soon.

"Luke wake up!!" I whisper yelled and pushed him off the couch. "Ow.. What" he said sleepy. "Get up we need to go!!" I spat hoping to not wake up anybody.

"Where are we?" Luke questioned sleepy "I think were in Becky's house?" I responded, he immediately blushed.

We both got up and heard talking in the hallway, stumbling a little Luke and I both walked over to the voices getting closer every second. "Wow, this house is probably bigger than mine" luke gushed, the voices got louder and by now I could hear them crystal clear.

"So when the boys wake up, should we give them the food they ordered?" Becky said "Yeah, I think they'll wake up hungry" Selena replied... I didn't know Selena was here, we were about to walk in when 3 Kids stared at us from the top of the stairs. It was 2 boys and 1 girl.

"Uh.. Becky!!!" The brown haired short girl yelled. Becky came running in immediately bumping into Luke and I "Oh hey you're awake" She breathed.... "Um, these are my brothers Alex short for Alexander and Frankie and my sister Stephanie. But we just call her steph, or Stephi" Becky explained.

"Alex, Frankie, and Stephi. These are my friends Luke and Justin" Becky introduced us and Luke waved "Does mom and Dad know you have guys in the house?" Stephi asked. "Yes, Now go back to your rooms!!!" She yelled while stomping her foot.

They left and we followed Becky into her very fancy kitchen. We saw Selena sitting down next to the table eating French fries, "So do you guys want your food or not hungry?" Becky questioned.. "Food, what food?" I said clueless, "We went to McDonald's and Luke originally ordered a ham sandwich, but we got him a cheese burger with fries. And you Justin ordered a happy meal." Selena laughed. I blushed, Did I order that???
"I ordered a happy meal?" I asked confused. Luke and Becky started giggling like little girls "Stop it!!" I spat which made them jump.

"Whatever just give me my food" I sighed and rolled my eyes.

*10 minutes later*

*Selena's P.O.V.*
Basically the whole eating time was silent, and the only time there was noise was when Becky told one of her cheesy jokes and telling us she would shut up after one more.

I finished early and I was currently laying on Becky's bed listening to Kelly Clarkson.

"What do you think the boys are doing right now?" Becky questioned while staring at me. "Eh I don't know, probably looking for their stuff" I answered.

She got up and started walking towards the door. I decided to get up and follow after her, mostly because I'm bored. We should be eating ice cream and watching Netflix by now, but no Becky had to change plans at the last minute.

"So I'm going to drop off Luke and I will be heading home" Justin's voice echoed throughout the hallway. I finally made my way to the living room, where I saw Becky handing them their coats and Justin's backpack.

"Yeah, your parents must be worried sick about you Justin" I said. Justin didn't do anything expect look at me and then back down at the floor, "Yeah, worried sick" he said sarcastically. "Is something wrong?" I shyly questioned "I have to go, c'mon Luke" he added immediately.

"Bye Luke!!!" Becky happily cheered while doing her signature wave (pretend she has one) "Bye Becky!!" Luke yelled. I decided to copy Becky cause that seemed to work for her, I ran all the way over to the door and stopped for a second, "Bye Justin!!!!" I cheered. He just looked at me and chuckled, "Nailed it" I whispered
"No!! You didn't you copycat!!!" Becky yelled and threw a stuffed pig at me.

"Hey, watch it!!!" I yelled back, and closed the doors. "BRING THE PIG!!!!!" Becky yelled at the top of her lungs. "Shhh, be quiet you probably already woke up China!!" I whisper yelled.

"Is everything OK?" Frankie and Steph questioned... "Yeah yeah everything's fine.. Just throwing a pig around" I explained "What?" Steph said. "Nothing, just go back to doing what you were doing" Becky spoke.. This time normally.

Frankie and Steph went back to their rooms, I turned around to find Becky with her arms full of two giants bowls filled with ice cream. "How did you do that so fast?" I said amused, "I have my ways" She teased.

Time passed and we spent it by watching movies, playing board games, eating junk food, and playing with the Wii. Now it was time to watch one more movie before we go to sleep, "Hey you wanna watch, Ouija?"

(Ouija is a movie about a board game that let's you talk to the dead, Search it up on Google and watch the trailer) Becky questioned. "Um, sure" I said while laying down, the movie started and so far it hasn't gotten to any scary parts yet.

*Movie Ends*

"Wow, Becky. That was some intense scary movie" I breathed "Mmhh, yeah" She mumbled. "Can we go to sleep now I'm tired" Becky yawned "Sure, let me just make sure the kids are asleep" I said standing up, changing the channel and walking away to the stairs.

So far, alex is asleep. I just have to check on Frankie and steph, I opened his bedroom door and saw them both all dressed up ready to go somewhere. "Where are you guys going?" I asked, "We're going to a party" Steph admitted.

"Not this late your not, I'm not giving you guys permission to go" I stated. They just rolled their eyes at me, "like that's gonna stop us" Frankie chuckled. "Guys, I'm serious I don't think tonight is a good night to go anywhere." I admitted, Frankie furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and steph studied her nails as if they were the most interesting thing in the world.

"Why, its not like were gonna have a storm or anything" Steph sassed. "Guys please I'm begging you, don't sneak out. You know how Becky gets when you guys do these things" I cried, "Selena, why don't you just mind your own business and leave us alone" Frankie spat "Yeah, your not our sister. Why should we listen to you" Steph whisper yelled.

I was starting to get pissed off "Look, I don't care what you guys think of me. I'm still not letting you go to that stupid party" I scoffed. "Whatever either way were going" Steph and Frankie walked to the window and opened it.

"Stephanie and Frankie!!! You get back here right now!!!" I yelled at them... I was starting to sound like a parent, gosh. Their expressions soften, probably because I've never yelled to anyone like that... Except Camila. "What's going on?" A fimilar voice echoed through the hallways.... Ugh, great... Becky.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2015 ⏰

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