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...August 10th...2015..

...Monday...4:30 PM....

Not many people can imagine being tugged down by heavy pairs of concrete squares. Water pouring in the body through  the nose, mouth, and ears. Ant Girl shut her eyes.  All Ant Girl could see was a never ending blue ocean coming at her. How had a girl of such little proportions made it through into the laboratory, scattered over glass items spilling their contents, and wrecking years of recent progress made only by the items retrieved from the battles featuring  a guy named Ultron and a cruel race called the Chitauri without dying?

She had help.

That is how.

Ant Girl's lungs began to fill in water.

God, was she scared.

She had annoyed and frustrated the opposing agency so much so that this was their last option to get rid of her.  All within the matter of hours. She began to lose consciousness,she couldn't breath, and all her fear rose through panic. Ant Girl's world grew dark and darker as she sunk down the sea level into the darkness. She  felt lonely. More lonely than she ever been in nineteen years. Isolated in the unwelcoming darkness.

Feeling left her fingers.

Ant Girl became unresponsive.

"Her bio signature is right ahead," Tangton said.  He paused. "Oh shit."

"What?" Patrick asked. "And no cussing around me. Why you human, I very much dislike hearing that word!"

"Her signature is fading," Tangton said. He turned his head toward Patrick. "Tell me you have a fucking way of finding something in the water."

"Language." Patrick said.

"You are an alien; tell me you can search through water." Tangton said.

"No, I can't." Patrick said. "I am a fire based demon. But . . ."

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