Part 21.

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Just a cute little chapter. I didn't proof read so sorry for errors.

"Babe, have you seen my hair pins?" I asked as I untwisted my Bantu knots. The large curls hang around my face. I heard my son gurgling and cooing and I turned to look at him.
"Too curly?" I asked. He shot me a lopsided, toothless grin, making weird noises with his mouth as he stared at me. I laughed, continuing to fix my hair. It's been a month since we had him and everything has been going well. I've started medication for my bipolar disorder. I've been more coordinated and more In control of my thoughts and actions. My mood swings aren't as bad, though the medication makes me a little slow.
"They're right in front of you." She replied as she walked into the room in only her towel. She just came back from working out. Her body looks better than ever. Her hips are wider, more thicker, and her boobs are amazing.
"Good morning." I smirked. She smiled and kissed me softly. Salix squealed and I lifted him up.
"Dana are you ready?!" I yelled, causing Salix to jump.
"Oh, sorry." I laughed as I looked at his shocked expression. His eyes looked wider and he started to whine. I started to bounce him on my arm. I've scared the life out of the boy
"It's okay, baby boy." I cooed. He stopped crying and looked into my eyes.
"Let's go see your sister." I cooed. Dana is our new foster child and immediately we filled out adoption papers. We are in the process, and I'm excited to have her apart of our family.
Dana was sprawled out on her bed, snoring away.
"Dana Marie." I said, firmly.
"What..?" She moaned, sleepily.
"Get up, you have school." With that, Salix let out a large squeal, swinging his hand toward her.
"See? He knows you do, too." I huffed as I walked to her closet and picked out an outfit for her, before sitting down on her bed. I ran my fingers through her messy hair as she slept.
"I don't feel well." She mumbled. I touched her forehead. She's not hot..
"Hold on." I whispered. I walked into my bedroom and looked at Kate.
"What's wrong?" She asked as she took Salix into her arms. He held onto a strand of her hair.
"Dana isn't feeling well." I frowned. She sighed, looking up at the ceiling.
"I was gonna bring Salix to my mother's house while you went to work because I have an appointment, and then a meeting with the wedding planner." She huffed.
"I'll stay and take care of them." I offered.
"You sure? Will David let you take today off?" She asked.
"Yes. I'm sure, he has his substitute, anyway." I rolled my eyes, mock jealousy. She giggled.
"Alright. Thank you." She said as she pecked my lips, softly. Kathleen has been more obsessive when it comes to organization. She plans her days out, and has a schedule for everyone in the house. It worries me a bit, because if nothing goes as planned, she becomes very irritated.
"Did you take your medication?" She asked me as she slipped on her shoes. She pulled her hair into a high ponytail and buttoned her blouse.
"Yes, ma'am, I did." I answered.
"Good. I also have to tell you.." She started, putting her index finger on my chin.
"I've planned to have the entire weekend to ourselves. Mom knows. She's taking the kids." She winked, before sliding her hand down my back, gripping my ass. She kissed my chin, and pecked her son on the lips, before walking out the room.
"Well damn.." I whispered. Salix grinned, looking just like Kathleen.
"Dana?" I asked as I walked into her room. She was snoring away and I rolled my eyes. I called David and took my day off and changed out of my clothes.
"Let's go eat.."
After making some breakfast and feeding Salix, I was curled up on the couch and Salix sat in his chair when Dana finally came from her cave.
"Well good morning, sweetie pie." I cooed. She side eyed me, before walking into the kitchen. I frowned and stood up.
"Is there something wrong?" I asked her. She turned and looked at me.
"Im not really sick." She muttered. Yeah, no shit.
"I know. What's really going on with you? Why don't you want to go to school?" I asked as I sat on the stool. She looked down at the table, playing with her cup of orange juice.
"I don't wanna talk about it." She whispered, her eyes staying down at the table.
"Are you being bullied?" I asked. She didn't answer. I took that as a yes.
"Alright. Physical, verbal? Cyber?" I asked as I stood up.
"Yesterday, the group of girls hid my clothes in the gym locker room so I searched for them for about an hour... Harassed by some boys because there was a hole in the wrong place in my shirt...uh, being called ugly a lot. Bug eyed on Instagram." She shrugged. I grew angrier and angrier.
"What about that boy? That you met on the first day?" I asked.
"Oh, Tony. He's still around. Defends me from them, but it's whatever." She sighed. I can tell it affects her because her hands started to shake.
"We're gonna handle this." I growled. Her eyes widened.
"No! No.. It's okay." She panicked.
"No. All that's gonna happen is its gonna continue if no one says anything." I argued. She huffed.
"Fine." She said. I sighed and stood in front of her.
"Don't listen to them. You don't need them. You have us. Your family. They have no say in anything, okay?" I kissed her forehead and she nodded, before walking to her room.
A few hours passed. I cleaned the house and did some laundry, before putting Salix for a nap. I turned on the baby monitor and slipped into my bed, dosing off..
I woke to a pair of arms slipped around my waist and soft snoring. I twisted around and saw my blonde beauty sleeping and I smiled. I guess the entire house is napping. I heard Salix start to whine and Kathleen jumped up, taking an intake of breath.
"It's okay. I'll go change him. Go back to sleep." I whispered. She kissed me softly, before laying back down. I stood and walked into his room and picked him up.
"What's wrong, Blue?" I asked as I rocked him. He held onto a piece of my hair and the cleavage of my shirt as he looked up at me. He really does look like both of us combined. I smiled at him as he snuggled into my chest, drooling on my shirt. I laid him on his changing board and I changed his diaper while humming one of the French songs my father used to sing to me when I was a child.
"Dites-moi...pourquoi, la vie est belle..dites-moi, pourquoi la vie est gay.." He stared at me as I touched his cheek softly once I finished changing him.
"Wanna go see mommy?" I asked. He squealed, his silver blue and hazel eyes shining. I powdered him down and then carried him to the room.
"Kate?" I asked. She was sprawled out on the bed, her hair a large mess as she snored loudly.
"Mommy is tired." I cooed. He whined, a large pout on his face as he reached for his other mom.
"Kate." I said a little louder as I walked to the bed.
"Hm." She grunted.
"Your son wants to see you." I laughed. She moaned, sitting up on the bed. I sat down and she lifted him up.
"Hi, baby boy." She yawned. He grinned, his eyes mirroring hers.
"Mommy's tired because you kept her up all night and woke her up veery early." She cooed. He cooed and gurgled back as he pulled on her shirt.
"He's hungry." She sighed as she stood up. I walked behind her, walking to Dana's room. I heard music booming and her door was closed. I knocked, before opening it. She was curled up in a ball in the corner of her room, her head laying on her knees. Her breathing was slow so she must be asleep. I walked in lifted her up. She hummed, her cheeks stained with tears.
"Sh, it's okay." I whispered.
"Is Katie here?" She asked, sleepily.
"Yeah, she's here. You wanna talk to her?" I asked. She shook her head.
"I wanna talk to you. But I'm really tired." She yawned. I put her in bed and she curled under her covers. I walked out her room and closed the door, before walking downstairs. Katie was breastfeeding Salix and I sighed loudly, laying my head on the table.
"What's up?" She asked.
"Dana is being bullied, and it's affecting her." I groaned. Kate sucked her teeth.
"Ima fuck someone up." She snapped.
"Watch your mouth next to him. Wouldn't want his first words being foul." I said, sternly. She smiled sheepishly.
"She was crying in her room. Said she wanted to talk later." I rubbed my face.
"Oh. Well maybe talking will be a good thing." Kate responded, burping Salix. He let out a small one and she smiled in satisfaction.
"Yeah. should we order pizza for dinner?" I asked. She nodded and I obeyed.
Dana didn't come down for dinner so I bought a few slices and walked to her room. I opened the door and she was in the same position she was before.
"I bought dinner." I sighed, running my hands through my hair. She shrugged as she stood up. I handed her a plate and she stared down at it. She ate as I scrolled through her music playlist, flipping on random songs. I stopped on Bloom by the Paper Kites and I sighed, staring up at her ceiling.
"What's going on with you, little girl?" I asked her. I saw her smile at the nickname. I've called her that ever since we met, and it's grown on her.
"I'm just tired." She whispered. I paused for a moment.
"Of what?" She was shocked by my question. Yeah, sweetie. You're not getting away with that excuse.
"A lot." She sighed, throwing her plate in the garbage can in her room.
"I have ears." I replied, sitting up because my body doesn't fit on the bed when I lay sideways. My head was pounding with all the blood that has traveled to it. She didn't speak for a while and I became worried. Maybe I pushed her.
"I'm just.. It's tiring. Being treated like shit for your entire life is tiring. I feel like I have no worth for people, and it's just.. Like, why me? What is the purpose of me living if all that's gonna happen is I'm gonna get stepped on? I thought things would be different when living with you guys.." She let out a frustrated breath, tears rolling down her eyes. I let her words marinate.
"Don't ever let anyone question your worth. You are worth more than anyone else. Worry about yourself. You're worth a lot to us. You're family. You'll always meet people who will antagonize you, and bully you no matter what. All that matters is your opinion. No one controls you. No one. You don't owe anyone an explanation, you don't owe them anything. Fuck them. They have no right to make you feel less worthy. They're the worthless ones since they want to bully such a precious girl. God put you on this earth because you do have a purpose. Don't let them make you question that. I'm gonna deal with them. I'm not gonna sit here and have you so sad because of them." I stated. She nodded her head, wiping her face.
"I know what it feels to question your worth and the point of living. Kate does too." I sighed.
"You guys seem so happy. Why do you question it?" She asked, curious. I sighed, slipping to the floor, until my back was against her bed. She followed suite, sitting right next to me. I stared at the wall as I tried to form my words.
"My father is in prison. For a long time." I started.
"Aw, and it effects you?" She asked, touching my large hand with her very small one.
"It effects me because I'm the reason why he's in there." I said softly as I looked at her, a small, sheepish smile on my face.
"What happened?" She asked, slowly.
"When I was about your age, he started to abuse me. Rápe me. Hit me. All that good stuff. Didn't stop until I graduated high school." I glanced away from her, keeping my eyes on the floor. She fell quiet and I glanced back. She was crying quietly.
"Why would he do something like that? What did you do so wrong?" She cried. I held her to me as she cried, my own tears building.
"His reasoning was because he saw Kathleen and I together, but I truly don't believe that. I don't. Anyway.. I never told anyone until I met Kathleen all over again. I told her after she met him, and was a mess. She still blames herself for it, but it's not her fault. It's not anyone's fault but his." I continued. She nodded.
"Then one day, after Sara, my sister had her babies we were all gathered at my parents house. Having a good time, blasé. I went to the bathroom by myself and he followed me. Did it all over again. Brutally. I felt like my insides were torn. It hurt. He put me in a coma for months." I continued.
"Took me a while to stop blaming myself. But I got over it. Pain is temporary. People are temporary. Do not let them affect you. Do not give them power. I nearly killed him a few months ago, but I didn't. Because that would look bad on my part and show that I've let him get to me. He nearly killed me. Internal bleeding. I even went to heaven and came back, and huh.. He puts you on this earth to fulfill your purpose. You're strong. You've been through a lot for such a little girl, and now. You're with us. Relax. Don't stress over them. Only thing you should stress over is what you're going to be wearing to stunt on them. They're probably jealous of you. You're a gorgeous girl with gorgeous clothes, a gorgeous family, a little brother with crazy ass eyes, and two lesbian foster moms. What's there to be ashamed of? Nothing. Do not let them overpower your worth and self esteem. They have ugly hearts. Stick to that boy, and you'll be okay. You also got Sofie too who's willing to come fuck shit up for you, and kaylin my cousin that you met at the party we had when we came home. Those two together are a riot, and all you need is a few people in life who's willing to be there for you no matter what. Not some bullies who gets pleasure from torturing other people. Fuck them." I concluded. She nodded.
"Thank you, Anna." She sighed, wrapping her arms around me.
"No problem, little girl. Come spend time with who really matters. Get out this room of yours. Maybe we'll eat Ice cream or something." I said, standing up. She stood too and we walked downstairs. Kate greeted Dana as Salix slept in his chair.
"Babe, can you put him to bed, please?" She asked as she fiddled with the baby monitor. I nodded, lifting him up.
"Boy, you're heavy." I giggled as I walked up the stairs. He cooed, sleepily as I laid him down, before he started to cry. He had a look of discomfort as his legs were up to his chest.
"Aw, you gotta fart?" I asked as I massaged his stomach. I moved his legs in a bicycling motion. He started to giggle as I tickled his feet. He passed gas, causing me to cringe. Before curling into his teddy bears. I walked back downstairs and sat next to Kathleen.
"He was gassy." I laughed. She rolled her eyes, and listened to the baby monitor. Little boy is giggling and squealing all in his bed.
He's making weird crying noises and whining.
"Maybe you should bring him back down." Dana started. I laughed and ran back upstairs and saw my son rolling around in his bed.
"Alright, bro. You either sleep or you come downstairs with mommy. Which one?" I frowned, making him frown. He shouted, lifting his arms and legs. I laughed, causing him to giggle. He's very aware when it comes to the emotions of Kathleen and I. We've been doing exercises so he can know when we're upset, or when we're happy. He comprehends very well.
He squealed, throwing his arms and legs around so I picked him up. He nuzzled his face against my neck as I carried him downstairs.
"You called your child bro. Nice." Dana shook her head. I rolled my eyes and put him down in his chair. He started to scream, crying loudly as I put him down.
"Come on, man." I huffed. I picked him back up and sat on the couch.
"What's the matter with you?" I asked. Kathleen watched as he kept pulling on my hair, his little tears running down his face. He leaned toward my hair, ready to put it in his mouth and I pulled him away from it.
"No. That does not go in your mouth." I stated. As I wiped his face, he tried biting my thumb and I sighed.
"Didn't he just eat?" I asked, looking at Kate.
"His appetite is very large. But I don't want to feed him, again." She frowned. Salix frowned too.
"I think there's a little left in his bottle." I stated as I stood up. He whimpered loudly, his face in a frown. I carried him to the kitchen and grabbed one of his bottles and I fed him. I watched as he ate, his eyes filled with contentment. He finally finished and I burped him. We sat back down in the living room and I looked at Kathleen. She seemed very..pensive.
"What are you thinking about?" I asked her as dana walked into the bathroom.
"Oh, nothing. Just our wedding and stuff." She smiled, softly. I nodded. Our wedding is four months away and everything is perfect. We're now working on invitations and scenery.
"How was the meeting?" I asked, patting Salix's butt softly as he laid on my chest.
"It was good. We contacted some people. Designed the invitations. Girly stuff." She giggled. I rolled my eyes.
"You found your dress yet?" I asked.
"Not telling." She smirked. I pouted.
"Tell me, baby." I whined as I pushed my face toward hers. She looked at my lips.
"No.." She trailed as I kissed her lips. She kissed back.
"Come on. Tell me." I asked as I kissed her again. She moaned softly.
"No." She breathed. I kissed her once more, sensually.
"Come on.." I whispered.
"You're crushing my child." She bit down on my bottom lip. I pulled back, watching as he chewed on his hand.
"You're mean." I whimpered. She flicked my forehead, before grabbing my son.
"Babyboy. You my favorite person, ever. You know that?" She asked as she blew a raspberry on his stomach.
"Oh he's your favorite? Aight." I sucked my teeth and looked away. She pushed her face in my neck, biting down softly.
"My child has a different place in my heart, baby. You my number one." She whispered. I scoffed.
"Prove it." I responded. She chuckled.
"Later. I promise." She winked. Salix cocked his head.
"Nosy." I stuck my tongue out at him, causing him to giggle.
"He's starting to look like you." She said as she looked at him.
"He has your smile." I answered. As if on cue he smiled a large smile.
"And my eyes, except for the hazel on his pupil area." She sighed dreamily. He just stared at us, confused because he doesn't understand what we're saying. I touched his nose, his eyes crossing as he tried to focus on my finger.
"I have school in the morning. So I'm gonna go to bed." I heard Dana say from the top of the stairs.
"Alright, princess girl. Goodnight." I called out. She smiled and ran upstairs.
"I think we should take her to school tomorrow. All of us." Kathleen started. I nodded.
"I wanna see who's messing with my girl." I huffed. Kathleen nodded, looking down at Salix who was biting her finger.
For the rest of the night we watched the boondocks on Netflix until Salix fell asleep. We put him to bed and walked to our room. I locked our door and stripped out my clothes, before laying in bed. Kathleen did the same, crawling under the covers and laying her head on my naked chest. I scrolled through my Instagram feed and saw I was tagged in something.
"Look." I said. Kathleen looked at my phone screen and it was a video of us interacting downstairs. You heard me pleading to see her dress as we kissed each other. Salix was moving his head around and you saw Kathleen biting down on my lip, softly. Dana captioned it saying , 'I love my family. 👩‍👩‍👧‍👦💞'
"Aw that's cute." She whispered. I nodded and liked it, before looking in the comments. Some said 'otp' and 'aw, your little brother.'
People asked questions like 'you're half black?' And stuff. I rolled my eyes, but caught my attention when someone commented "Ugly ass family. Just like you. Hopefully your ass comes to school, tomorrow." Followed by laughing emojis from other kids and stuff saying homophobic things. I frowned.
"Well, I think we found one of the people who keep harassing her." I admitted. Kate groaned. I saw someone reply to the bullies.
'Ignore them. Your family is beautiful. I hope to meet them, some day.' He commented. My heart melted.
"Aw." Kathleen cooed. I clicked on his profile and looked through his photos. There's one photo of a girls lips and collar bones with paint all over them. It's Dana. I guess he's a photographer.
'She never looked nice. She looked like art, and art wasn't supposed to look nice. It was supposed to make you feel something.' I read the caption out loud.
"Oh, Dana. Just date the boy." Kathleen gushed. I laughed. There was some selfies of himself up there. Looks like a young James Dean. Handsome little fella. Kathleen grabbed her phone and typed away. I went back to the photo and saw her comment.
'We love you more.' She had commented.
"You cute." I laughed. She rolled her eyes. I continued to stalk her profile, liking her little pictures, when I saw a photo of her and that boy. They had stretched out a piece of gum from both their mouths.
'Minty.' She captioned it. I laughed.
"So corny." I laughed loudly.
"We need to meet this boy." Kate stated. I hummed in agreement.
"Her birthday is coming up, isn't it? Same day as mom's, right?" I asked. She nodded.
"February 20th." She replied.
"Birthday bash? If my mom agrees?" I asked. She nodded. We have a full month to plan.
"Well, shit. We gonna plan a surprise party." Kathleen squealed. I nodded, putting my phone away.
"Alright...Didn't you promise to prove to me that I was your number one?" I asked as she straddled me. She rolled her eyes as she turned off the lamp.
"Go to bed." She laughed. I whined.
"You promised." I huffed, pouting. She kissed me, and I deepened it before she could pull away. She moaned into my mouth as my fingers trailed up and down her stomach. She took my hand and pushed my finger into her mouth, before biting down on it, hard. I yelped, pulling my finger away. She laughed loudly, rolling onto her side of the bed. I slapped her ass hard, causing her to yell in pain.
"That hurt, bitch." I spat. She laughed.
"Why you mad? Cause my pússy pops severely?" She laughed.
"I wouldn't know cause you won't let me touch it." I mumbled under my breath.
"What was that? You want me to bite it off? Cause I can do that." She stated.
"Nothing." I sucked my teeth, before settling down to go to sleep..
I wake up to the sound of a screeching child known as my son. The baby monitor was right next to my ear which made it worst. I looked at the time and it was after five. Gotta get up, anyway. Kathleen groaned, sitting up.
"I got it. Did you pump?" I ask her. She nodded, before slumping back into the bed. I put on some clothes and walked into the room and saw my baby crying his lungs out.
"Sh, baby. It's okay." I whispered as I lifted him up. I bounced him up and down in my arms until he stopped crying. I wiped his face and he wrapped his little hand around my finger.
"Bbbbb." He babbled.
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say." I answered back as I laid him on his changing board. I changed his diaper and powdered him down before taking him downstairs to the kitchen. I boiled some water and heated up his bottle as I waited. I put him on his high chair and made my tea, before grabbing his bottle. I turned too quickly and hit my toe on the leg of the kitchen table and yelled loudly in pain.
"OW!" I screamed, dropping my tea on the floor. The mug shattered on the ground and some glass got into my foot. I cried out in pain, dropping to the floor. Salix started to cry again and so did I, hissing in pain. There's a large piece stuck in the ball of my foot.
"Kate!" I yelled. The hot tea burned the top of my foot, and I tried scooting away, groaning loudly as I tried standing.
"Sh. It's okay baby.. OW!" I screamed again as I moved my foot. My lips parted in pain as I cried. There's deep cuts and large pieces of glass in my foot. The steam from the water came from my foot.
"KATE!" I yelled again. Salix screamed his lungs out, his face turning red. Still no response from anyone in the house.
"KATHLEEN! DANA!" I screamed on the top of my lungs. My voice is naturally loud so that must've woke both of them up. I heard a thump come from upstairs and a loud 'shit!' I heard loud, jumbled footsteps and I gasped as I wiggled my toe. I cried harder, trying hard not to look at my foot. I can smell the blood from up here.
"Anna wha- OH MY GOD!" I heard Dana yell. Kathleen came down in her robe, her glasses slightly crooked.
"Kate! Kate! Hurry up!" I cried.
"What the fuck happened?" She asked as she walked in the kitchen. She looked at my foot and her jaw dropped, before her hands covered her mouth. A bloody mess is what my foot is. Burns everywhere and large shards of glass sticking from inside of it.
"Oh shit. Call the fucking ambulance." She yelled at Dana as she dropped to her knees. She looked at my foot, touching the glass. I felt it in my entire leg and I screamed out in pain.
"Oh god. Don't touch it. It hurts." I sobbed. She grabbed Salix and told me to stay put. She grabbed his bottle and walked out the kitchen. She came back down in some clothes and her hair in a tight pony tail.
"Sh, sh, baby. It's okay. You'll get fixed up. She whispered as she held my face in her hands. I clenched my teeth in pain. She kissed my lips softly.
"Don't look at it. Look at me." I looked in her eyes and she caressed my cheek.
"Calm down, okay? Breathe in and out." She whispered. I obeyed, exhaling slowly.
"It's okay, my love." She kissed me again. I whimpered against her mouth. The ambulance came and I clenched my teeth as they made me move from my spot. We got to the hospital and they operated on my foot. They stuck a really large needle inside of it, causing me to scream out in pain.
"It's in very deep. It's only this far in because your bone caused it to stop." The doctor said. I groaned.
"How did this happen?" The nurse asked.
"I was making some tea and my son started to cry so I turned too fast and hit my toe on the table, and then the cup fell and shattered, and I stepped on it by mistake." I answered. My foot went numb and I breathed out in satisfaction. I watched as they operated, fishing out the pieces of glass from my foot. They fixed up the burns and stitched up my wounds and let me lay down for a little while. Kathleen and Dana walked in with Salix in his stroller. He started to whine, throwing his hands toward me.
"Hey, sweetie." I whispered as I pulled him onto my lap. He rubbed my face as I massaged his head.
"Hi, baby. How you feelin?" Kate asked. I pecked her on the lips softly, before taking her hand in my free one.
"Good. They gave me something for the pain. I'm gonna be working at home, again." I groaned. David is gonna kill me.
"It's okay. You had an accident." She whispered. I shrugged. Dana kept staring at my foot, a weird look on her face.
"What? You wanna touch it?" I asked. She cringed.
"They gonna check me out in a few." I stated. Kathleen just kept staring at me, a look in her eyes.
"What?" I asked.
"You're so clumsy." She laughed. I stuck up my middle finger. Dana laughed in the corner. I grabbed my phone and dialed David's number.
"Hello?" My mouth dropped open slightly. My mom answered the phone.
"Ma?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.
"Yes, child." She stated.
"Uh, can I speak to David, please?" I asked.
"He's busy. What's up, daughter?" She asked me.
"I'm at the hospital. I won't be able to make it into work for a couple of weeks because I had an accident." I stated.
"What?! What the fuck happened?" She asked.
"I got glass too deep in my foot. Had to get stitches, and also have third degree burns on my skin." I responded.
"God damn, Anna. Be more careful next time." She rasped.
"Alright. Tell David to call me when you guys are done fúcking, please." I answered back.
"Watch it." She snapped.
"Love you, mommy." I laughed. She hummed before hanging up the phone. Kathleen shook her head.
"Mommy wants to visit. She's off work today. Since we're both home, maybe we should let her come." Kathleen started. I shrugged, playing with Salix's hand.
"You fed him?" I asked.
"Of course. What kinda question is that?" She asked. I rolled my eyes. He yawned, staring across the room. Dana was texting away on her phone, smiling. I wiggled my eyebrows at Kate, and the doctor walked in.
"Good to see you all again." He greeted. I rolled my eyes.
"Kathleen, how are you? I see you and your son are in great health." He smiled a genuine smile, his blue eyes warm.
"Yeah. I'm okay." She smiled.
"Annamarie, you're free to go. We will provide you with a pair of crutches and a wheelchair, because you can't stand on your foot until you get your stitches removed and your burns heal. That was a close call. It could've damaged your nerves." He pointed out. I nodded.
"We prescribed some pain meds and cream for your burns. Be careful next time." He laughed. I laughed with him.
"Thanks man." I said. He nodded his head, and looked at Salix. Salix stared back with weary eyes.
"Well hello, there." He greeted. Salix blinked. "Look at those eyes. Your gonna be a lady's man when your older." He stated. Just like his mommies, I thought. Dana snorted, and looked away. Salix just stared, clearly confused.
"The nurse will be in shortly." He said, before walking out the room. The nurse that assisted Kathleen during birth walked in and I smiled.
"Hello, family. Nice to see you, again. Annamarie, how we feeling, today?" She asked.
"Great. Handicapped, but what's new?" I said. Kathleen laughed quietly.
"Fucking moron." She said under her breath. I glared at her, before looking at the nurse.
"Well, look at him. So big." She cooed, looking at Salix. He yawned again, looking around the room.
"Yeah." Kathleen smiled, looking down at her son.
I was checked out and rolled out by a wheelchair to the car. I slipped into the front seat, and laid my head back. Kathleen strapped Salix into his car seat, and made sure Dana was set, before getting in the car and driving home. Dana offered to push my wheelchair and helped me into the elevator. We rode up and unlocked our door, and look who we saw. David and my mother tonguing eachother down on my couch.
"Oooooookayyyyy..." I dragged as I turned my chair around and wheeled out the apartment. Kathleen was cracking the fūck up, her laugh filling the entire hallway. Dana seemed as disgusted as I did. Salix giggled, mimicking his mother.
"God, Man! Get out and do that somewhere else. Not on my couch!" I shouted as I rolled back inside the apartment. Kathleen kept laughing.
"We didn't christen your couch. Shut up." David huffed.
"It's already christened. We don't need anyone else to do it." Kathleen started. Dana screamed, covering her ears, before running up the stairs.
"Y'all need Jesus." She yelled, before slamming her door closed. My mom stared at the couch with disgust as I laughed.
"Annamarie Symoné. Can you please explain how the hell this happened?" My mother asked as she stared at my wrapped up foot. I explained everything, and she just shook her head.
"When did you become so clumsy?" She asked.
"When I met this fool. With her glass cups and shit." I said as I pointed to Kathleen.
"Bitch. Don't blame me for your lack of coordination. You're the one who hit your toe on the table, screaming my name like some Chewbacca." She started.
"You're the one who sounds like a Chewbacca when it comes to screaming names. So shut the fūck up." I answered. She slapped me on the back of my head, before pulling my son from his stroller. David laughed at our interaction as my mom shook her head.
"Fucking weirdos." She huffed. I rolled my eyes.
"Anna you can work from home, right?" David asked.
"Yeah. Not a problem." I smiled. He nodded.
"Let me see my grandson, Katie cat." My mom yelled.
"Hold on, he's hungry. Anna come take your shít." Kathleen yelled back. I rolled myself into the kitchen. She popped my meds in my mouth, and handed me a bottle of water. I downed it, before looking at the stairs.
"Fùck." I hissed.
"Get your crutches. They're by the door." She stated. I obeyed and started to hop up the stairs.
"Fucking hell." I huffed, once I got to the top.
I changed my clothes with all the balance I could get and slipped on a shoe. I hopped back down, before crutching to the couch.
"Dana, hurry up." I yelled. She's not getting away with not going to school. I heard her footsteps and she walked to the kitchen to get some cereal. I saw my mom and David interacting with Salix.
"Dana, babygirl. How are you?" My mom asked.
"I'm good. How are you?" They continued talking to each other when I felt someone sit on my lap.
"We still taking her, today?" Kate asked.
"Mhm." I answered as I ran my hands on her hips and thighs. God has blessed me. I touched her butt softly, making her twist her head and glare at me.
"Is this payback for last night?" She asked.
"Hell yeah. Should've asked the doctor to look at my finger since you bit so goddamn hard." I groaned. She moved against me, slightly.
"Get off." I pushed her off me and glared at her as she laughed. She has on a pair of high waisted jeans and a shirt that rises up slightly, showing her belly button. Her hair is out. Dana was finally ready and my mom offered to watch him until we came back. We drive to her school, and I waited. I want to make them aware of what they're doing to Dana.
"Alright. Go into class, Dana. Have a good day." I told her as we walked her into the school. She kissed both our cheeks, before walking into another direction.
"Hi, may I help you?" Some old lady asked.
"Yeah, good morning. We're looking for the principal's office. We want to talk to him regarding our daughter and her peers." Kathleen stated. Damn. So professional.
"Right this way." The lady crooked. We followed her down the hallway. Kids were eyeballing us, and I saw Dana. She was talking to that boy.. Tony? Tommy? All I know is that they look cute. She looked in my direction and smiled, and he followed suite. I waved with my crutch, accidentally hitting Kate in the ass. Dana laughed from afar as Kathleen glared at me. I shrugged and continued to follow behind them. We got into the office and a white man in a suite, stood.
"Sir, these two women want to have a meeting with you." The lady stated.
"Regarding what?" He asked as he eyed Kathleen. Her eyes narrowed into slits.
"Regarding OUR daughter. And her classmates." Kathleen interrupted, putting emphasis on the 'our'. That's my girl.
"Sit. Missy, go get the guidance counselor." He demanded the lady. She obeyed and we waited. The door opened and both mine and Kathleen's jaw dropped. I swear it's a goddess standing in front of us. She isn't as goddess like as Kathleen, but boy. She's close to it. Very close to it. She's dark skinned, long straight hair slipping down her back. Full lips, almond shaped eyes, and a body to die for.
"Well, good morning." Kathleen smiled. I cleared my throat, adjusting in my seat.
"We meet again, I see." The guidance counselor said to Kathleen. I narrowed my eyes as I looked between them.
"Whaaaaaat..." I breathed.
"We went to college and high school together." Kathleen answered as the woman smirked down at me. The principal looked as confused as I am.
"I don't recall you being at my school." I stated.
"Different classes... Anyway, I'm Tamiko Lawrence. I'm the guidance counselor, here." She shook my hand, eyeballing me. I shot her a smile, swallowing. Is it hot in here or..? Kathleen's eyes glistened as she looked between us, completely unbothered by my reaction.
"So, what brought you both here, today?" Principal Ramsey asked.
"Dana Marie, our daughter, informed us about what her peers are doing to her and we would like to report it." Kathleen started, not taking her eyes off the melanin goddess sitting in front of us. Shit, I didn't either. Tamiko nodded, her eyes moving between Kathleen and I.
"Dana is one of my students, and she did come to me, saying she wanted to speak about something that has been bothering her. I'm actually seeing her, today.." Her voice was light, sexy. Snap out of it, Anna.
"Oh. What has she told you?" Principal Ramsey asked me.
"They harass her, tease her. They hide her clothes after gym sometimes, and they also cyberbully her. I've seen it, myself." I responded, clearing my throat. He nodded, looking at Tamiko. Tamiko shot me a smirk, before looking at her boss.
"Well.. We should look into it. I'll meet with Dana, and we'll talk about it. As for the cyber bullying, which is illegal, do you have any evidence?" She asked. I nodded, pulling out my phone. I handed it to Kathleen and she showed her the video of us on the couch. I watched as Tamiko's eyes darkened, and she glanced at me, before looking down at the phone. Kathleen's eyes stayed glued on Tamiko's face.
"Mmm.." Tamiko hummed. That sound went straight through my body, and I saw that it affected Kathleen as well.
"I see. They are harassing her. We should really do something about this, Francis." Tamiko said, her eyes big and concerned as she looked at her boss. He nodded.
"May I see it?" He asked. I nodded, getting ready to stand up.
"No, I got it, babe. Sit." Kathleen said. I sighed and she stood up, walking in front of us to his desk. We both stared. She showed him the comments on her photos and videos, and he frowned.
"She did contradict herself by putting that video up of you two. It seems a bit..pornographic." He stated, clearing his throat. All three of us cocked our heads.
"How is a video of my fiancée and I kissing, pornographic?" I asked. He looked a bit nervous.
"People see their parents kissing all the time. Don't you think, sir?" Tamiko asked.
"I mean yes...but.." He started.
"But what? Because it's two women, rather than it being a man and a woman?" Kate asked. He sighed, looking down.
"I don't see how that's pornographic. But anyway, the point here is to stop the harassing that's happening. We're gonna handle it, okay?" Tamiko said, touching my thigh softly. I nodded.
"Thank you for your time." I said as I stood up.
"Let me walk you both out." Tamiko offered. We all walked out, well, they did as I hopped my life away.
"It was nice seeing you again, Kitty cat." Tamiko said to Kathleen.
"Likewise. Call me." Kathleen answered. They exchanged numbers. Tamiko kissed Kathleen's cheek, before walking toward me.
"It was a pleasure to meet you." She whispered as she leaned close to my face. She shot me a flirtatious smile, the same one she gave Kathleen, before shaking my hand again. She walked off and I looked at Kathleen with wide eyes. She laughed and helped me walk out the school.
"I'm glad we handled that." I said as we got home.
"Yeah. I am too." She yawned, laying down on the couch.
"Salix is with grandma, today.." I started.
"Your point?" Kathleen asked.
"Get upstairs and I'll show you." I said.
"Nah. Not today." She said.
"You? Denying sex? Of all people?" I gasped.
"Shut the fùck up." She snapped. I laughed and hopped upstairs to take a shower. I guess she really does have something special planned for the weekend..

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