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Authors note: i did write loads more on chaoter 1 with lizzie but for some reason its all gone so im changing what i had in mind sorry!

Sabastian was interupted from making his lamb stew from a loud crash and a high pitched shriek, in a second he was at the scene, ciel sat on the floor holding his forehead and whispering "shit!" And Meyrin shrieking with broken plates around her "i'm so sorry sir i didnt see you!!" She belted from her chest "clean this mess right away Meyrin" sabastian ordered camly "my lord let me see to your wounds," sabastian said remaining calm. He picked Ciel up making sure he didn't hurt him anymore and brouht him to the lounge we Sabastian then lay Ciel down on one of the sofas. He then went to get some water, cloth and a head bandage. Sabastian returned to his master within a couple of seconds and as he did Ciel looked towards the door to his butler and sat up. "Well, you took your time Sabastian," as his butler came to him he bit his lip slightly. Sabastian still had a slight smile to his face and apologized for taking too long "i'm very sorry my lord, i assure you it wont happen again." Ciel crossed his legs and kissed Sabastian on his thin, long lips. His butler returned the kiss and his eyes flickered from a dark brown to a vivid red, then back to brown. The kiss lasted for minutes, repeating some sort of pattern. Ciel felt so warm like he did before his parents death, he was almost in some cases, happy.

After they kissed sabastian cleaned Ciel's cut and wrapped the bandage around his head. "I believe that shpuld be ok my lord," "yes i suppose, now get my carriage ready for when Elizabeth comes. I dont want to be wasting anytime," ciel ordered, he really wasen't in the mood to put up with Elizabeth today... but then again, he never was.

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