-not update-

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Sorry if you thought it was an update :] I just wanted to say that this story wont be updated this week, and possibly next week. I just learned that my crush is possibly moving :( and I've got spacers (the thing before braces) and I have a LOT of tests. With that said, I promise I wont forget to update cuz I love you guys'! I get my braces next Wednesday also so... yay. *SARCASM*

I hope you understand! I promise this story will be updated soon though! Not this Saturday, and maybe not next Saturday, but PLEASE keep it in your library. You guys' feedback makes me laugh so hard, and your votes make me grin like... like... a donkey. Just remember if you want to here more of "HACY" in my story PAINTING ROSE it has them in there so go read it ;) It'll be updated every Saturday (yes this Saturday, I only have time to update one) and it's exactly like Lollipop except different romance fantasies and characters by meh!

_Loves_x you guys' :)

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