❀ 27- Happy Balloons

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  When I awoke, I heard ringings in my ear and groaned, feeling the blood rush to my head.

I opened my eyes to see I was laying in a hospital bed, and that was all that shook me up.

I sat up immediately, and gasped when I saw my mother laying her head on the bed, near my feet. With my stirring and movement, she started to wake up also, and saw me.

"Omo, Hyeri-ah," She says as soon as she sat up, and reached out and grabbed my hands in hers.

"How are you feeling? Do you need anything-"

"Taehyung? How is he?" I asked her, looking back at her with determination as I awaited her answer.

She looked back at me with worry on her face, and she shook her head.

"Hyeri-ah... do you want any water?"

"How is he?"  I asked again, more demanding.

She looked back at me, and sighed.

"You're not well. I will get something for you to eat-"

"Omma! Why aren't you answering my question? How is he, Omma?"

I say, getting angered by her changing the subject.

She turned around and looked back at me, and nodded her head.

"... Taehyung... he survived the heart attack and is now resting. Let him rest up Hyeri. He's been through a lot during the surgery last night."

Within the first few words I've heard those words, it warmed me from my head to my toes.

Taehyung... he was alive! He survived!

I felt so reassured, without thinking, I swung my legs of the bed and towards the door.

"Yah, Hyeri-" My mother called after me, but I was already gone out the door.

Barefoot and in a hospital gown, I ran down the hallway, looking at each door to try to find which room he was in.

I wanted to see him so badly, it hurts.

I wanted to see him still warm and breathing with my own eyes to prove myself he was alive.

I flew past many doors, until I reached the near end when I saw Jungkook and Jimin sitting against the wall and on the chairs in front of a door, and smiled happily.

"Oh, Hyeri!" They called for me, standing up from their positions.

Seeing me smiling, I guess they felt reassured for me also.

"How are you feeling?"

"Great!" I answered them back.

"Last night you-" Jimin tried to talk to me, but I had already turn away from them and was already at the door, and was ready to open it when Jungkook stopped me.

"Hyeri, he needs rest. He's catching up on his sleep right now, and when he wakes up you can pay him a visit." He just says, and I nodded.

I turned back and looked though the glass, and saw him laying on the hospital bed, sleeping.

His parents were in the room, resting from last nights drama.

I started to cry again, smiling when I saw how his stomach was heaving up and down with each breath he took. He was really alive. My Taehyung was alive.

"He's alive!" I say happily tapping on the window, and Jungkook patted me soothingly on the back.

"Yes, he's alive and well. The surgery was successful."

SHORT HAIR |BTS| KIM TAEHYUNG| Where stories live. Discover now