gruvia problems

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(everyones POV)

WHAT, Juvia normally stalks gray now she is stalking Sasuke? does that mean she likes him?I mean i thought he liked Gray?They just became bf and gf between a love triangle of her,Gray and Leon and she had to pick and had to fight Sherry for Gray and to prove she doesn't like Leone.Now she is already stalking another person.Hey Juvia Lucy said what are you doing are you looking for Gray? Sadly i'm not looking for Gray-sama.Why are you looking at sasuke Sakura said he's already my bf

MY LOVE RIVAL!!!!!!! Juvia said in her head.Huh? why do I like Sasuke I thought I liked Gray but Sasuke looks so manly.....he doesn't strip though but still his jacket shows enough Juvia said in her mind.

(Sasukes POV)

Hey is that girl stalking me?....She is kinda cute hmmm? I should talk to her Ill do that later.hey Gray are you OK you should train more i didn't even try too hard.I tried you're to strong only Natsu can defeat you no he can't he looks weak,trust me he can defeat you.why? he can suck up fire and lightning.Hmm Sounds like an enemy worth offense. Btw I beat Natsu once.I really don't think that was recent he sounds kinda strong.But also I have a rematch with Naruto so he is gonna be good training and i can learn from my mistakes or just put him into an illusion and strike from there ooh good idea.HEY are you even listening to me, nevermind we should rest. and you should get healed by Sakura anyway see you later.

(Grays POV)

Hmm another healing girl ok, WHY ALWAYS GIRLS HEAL FIRST WENDY NOW SAKURA WHY CAN'T THERE BE A BOY!!!! Gray said angerly and jealously in his head.I'm here, is that her? kinda cute NO I already have Juvia.Hi you look bad do you need me to heal you?Sakura said.oh um ah yeah sure Gray blurted out.*Sakura heals Gray*There you go Gray.Why did he need to heal he looked pretty beat up anyway I have to sleep.Sakura said while heading to fairy hills

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