For the Team

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“What is important is not thinking about how you can win, but what you can do for the team.” - Kuroko Tamaki

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Kagami was moaning in pain the next morning as he got up and headed to the sinks in the hallway of the inn’s washrooms for his usual morning routine. Every muscle in his body is groaning in protest even as he did something as simple as stretching.

‘It hurts.’ Kagami whined even as he brushed his teeth properly. ‘My body hurts all over. And to think we have another day of insane training lined up in front of us. And I don’t even want to know what the coach had in mind.’ He groaned to himself.

The redhead then turned on the tap before rinsing his mouth of toothpaste, only to almost swallow the toothpaste when he noticed a certain teal haired girl standing next to him, also rinsing her mouth of toothpaste.

“Are you doing this on purpose?” Kagami demanded after having emptied his mouth of toothpaste, and turning to glare at the small girl. “And your hair!”

Tamaki’s hair is a little ‘all over the place’, even sticking out at ends awkwardly. It kind of makes her look a little comical. The teal haired girl frowned slightly before trying to straighten it out. “It always ends up like that the moment I wake up,” she stated.

“This place is a dump.” A rather familiar voice complained. “Are we really staying here?” Takao Kazunari then walked past the two Seirin players, currently dressed in his Shutoku jersey, with Midorima just behind him. “I feel like I’m going to see a ghost.” He whined.

“Shut up, Takao.” Midorima scoffed.

The two Shutoku players were nearly outside the washroom when they noticed the Seirin players staring at them. Takao’s eyes went wide. “What?”

Midorima looked as if he had just swallowed a lemon. An extremely sour lemon. And the look on Kagami’s face isn’t any better. Tamaki was as cool as ever and even bowed slightly to the two politely.

“Hello. It’s good to see you again.”

“What are you doing here?” Midorima demanded, pointing one finger at Kagami.

“I could ask you the same thing!” Kagami retorted.

“Shutoku has a long tradition of coming here to train together.” Takao explained.

“And here you are enjoying your vacation!” Midorima growled at Kagami. “What’s with the tan?”

As a result of having trained the entire afternoon under the blistering hot sun out on the beach the previous afternoon, Kagami had become even tanner than before. In fact, nearly the entire team had some kind of tan. The only exception is Tamaki who still looks as pale as before.

“We’re not on vacation!” Kagami snapped.

Midorima looked confused. “What?”

“Hey!” Riko appeared at the doorway just then, dressed in a yellow blouse and light green shorts with a dark orange apron over it. And she is also covered in something that seems suspiciously like blood, with a ‘blood stained’ knife in her right hand. “We’re all waiting for you in the cafeteria.”

The four teenagers paled instantly. ‘Is she planning to cook us for breakfast?’ Takao paled. And here he thought that Nakatani’s training regime is tough! He’ll take Shutoku’s coach over Seirin’s any day, thank you! ‘Is that blood or something?’

‘And here I thought that Akashi is insane.’ Midorima sweat dropped, staring at the knife in Riko’s hand warily.

The green haired shooter is starting to think that Akashi might just have a valid reason in wanting to take Tamaki away from Seirin. Seriously, how safe or sane can Seirin be with a coach that wields around a knife like that? On second thought however, their days in Teiko isn’t any better with a captain that flings scissors at his teammates.

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