Chapter VIII: Wasting Time

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That was the most stupid idea ever. Way to go, fucking loser. Gary thought to himself, walking back to the cabin. Now this whole trip is going to be super awkward.

"Gary, wait."

He ignored the soft, quiet voice, and kept on walking in his own world.

"Gary... I..."

"Gary! Quit being such an douchebag for once and listen to me!"

The voice behind him was intensely different that time - darker, and definitely more serious.

Gary crossed his arms. "Look, if you wanna make fun of me, call me gay or whatever, then g-"

He stopped when Ash jumped in front of him and pushed him down into the ankle-deep snow. "Listen the fuck up!" Ash growled, standing tall with his fists clenched, looking down at his fallen brunette. Jeez, I'm sounding a lot like Misty right now.

Gary, caught off guard and terrified by this side of Ash he had never seen before, quickly and nervously nodded.

Right when he thought Ash was about to W.W.E. Smackdown on top of him, the heartbroken researcher was surprised to see the ravenette lay down next to him.

Ash took a breadstick from breakfast out of his coat and smacked Gary across the face with it. "You're always gonna be such an ass, aren't you?"

The brunette blinked."... Ash... I..."

The champion rolled over on top of Gary and grabbed his face.

The researcher, heart racing, felt his eyes dart around. Before he knew it, he felt a pair of the softest lips he'd ever felt touch his, only gently.

"... I'm sorry... That was so rude of me..." The ravenette whispered into the ear of his love.

"Shut up, Ashy." Gary whispered back, playing with his black strings of hair underneath his hat.

The ravenette giggled, nuzzling into Gary's jacketed chest. "What you said before... It was extremely poetic."

Gary smirked. He never wanted this moment to end.


"Shit! What time is it?! 9:45? We should get inside!" He jumped up grabbing Ash by the hand and dragging him along for about 20 feet until they reached the cabin.

"Ash, supposedly there's a big storm coming, I don't want to take any chances."

"What? You could have told me that! I-"

"Look, I didn't want you paranoid about it. Because.. I- Oh, never mind. Get inside." He held the door open for his black haired counterpart and slid inside afterward.

They turned on the T.V., which they quickly found out only offered shitty daytime television.

Nevertheless, Gary surfed the less-than-HD channels, meandering through countless horrible reality T.V. shows. The two eventually got tired of standing, so they just took a seat on the floor.

"Oo! Say Yes to the Dress! That's Mt favorite!" Ash squealed.

"No way we're watching that! And you call me the baby."

"Well... What about that show where they eat a bunch of food from different regions? You know, the one where they eat bug Pokémon an' frogs an' stuff!"

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