Doctor calls

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Alpha's POV
I wake up in Luke's arms, so I slid out of bed and put my clothes back on. I go down stairs and then make me some food. Then out of nowhere I see Luke appear , kiss me, than sit down.
"Can I have a bight?" He asks
"Your a ghost" I say
"Please" he says
"Ok but it will probably go right through you... Literally" I say
I give him a bight and as I suspected, it falls on the chair beneath him. He gets up and I quickly clean up the mess. Then my cellphone rings.
"Hello?" I say into the phone
"Ms. Parker?" The person questions
"Yes." I say
"This is dr. I need you to to come into the cancer treatment center."
"I'll be there soon" I respond
I hang up and tell Luke I have to go to the cancer treatment center, and he gets worried. Then I text Kyra.
A- hey, you busy?
K- me and Carter are hanging out why?
A- the cancer treatment center called, I wanted to see if you could come with me.
K- be at your house in a sec ttyl
A- k see ya
Once I done texting Kyra I get in my car, then I see Kyra walk over and get in the passenger seat. Then we ride to the hospital
Once we get to the hospital I see Luke and Carter appear in the parking lot, so I walk up to then and Kyra, Luke, Carter, and me, go inside. I go up to the counter and give them my name and me and the boys walk to the room. Kyra had to stay in the waiting room.
Then dr. Parker walks into the room.
"Ms. Alpha Ann I'm sorry, but the chemo didn't work" she says looking down.
"What do you mean I didn't work?" I ask
"You have 3 months to live, at most" she says
I start to cry and Luke places a hand on my shoulder.

A Paranormal Love story (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now