ten // oh mother

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YOU KNOW THAT FEELING WHEN you realise you're about to hear something big? That is what I feel right at that moment. My mother is alive, of that I am positive. But why now? Why is this suddenly new to me? Even though I am angry at myself for not realizing it before, deep down I knew that my mom is still out there.

Stepping away from Luke, I look up at him, my gaze accusing. "Did you know?"

His bright gaze widens, and he shakes his head. "No, but I think we should hear them out. Come, I think you should sit down." I have no idea why, but for some reason, I believe him. Sitting down, I look at Max and Aubrey, who wait for Luke to join me on the sofa before speaking.

"We've known for quite a while that mother is still out there, though she's not the woman that you may believe her to be," Max speaks, pausing for a few seconds to give me time to process this new information. Aubrey doesn't say a word. Smart choice. "As you know, the Travelers are the witch-like creatures that are after you. Their numbers are more broad than any of our races, but that's because they breed quicker."

"I don't understand. What does this have to do with me my mother?" I ask, becoming impatient and confused. This is supposed to be about my mom, so why is he talking about the Travelers?

"Let me finish," Max prompts softly, and I nod, shrugging myself into the back of the sofa. "But, the Travelers are so successful and dominant because unlike us, they have rulers. I suppose you could call them 'royals'.

"You have to realise that even though these royals live forever, they cannot reign forever. That's why every four years, there is an election. A little like you have elections here in America for your President, except from to become a ruler of the Travelers, you need to be able to fight." I can't keep up. Royals? Travellers? My mom? I try to fit the pieces together, but am unable to. "Ridley, you need to prepare yourself for what I'm about to tell you. It may be hard for you to hear," Max warns, and like he wants to comfort me, Luke takes my hand and squeezes it gently. My whole body warms with the electricity. "Your mother is a Traveller."

I look up at him, not sure on how I should react. It doesn't make sense. How could my mom be alive? I visit her and my dad's grave often enough to know that they are no longer here. Everything is such a mess.

"Your mother is one of the most valued Travelers. She had built up a reputation in the City, which is where the Travelers live. Part of that reputation was ruined when you were born, because of what you are. That's why she had to leave you, because her reputation was too valuable to be thrown down the pan. Her choice seemed to pay off, because she's now the ruler of the Travelers."

I can't speak as my brain tries to process this new information. Luckily, Luke can. "I don't understand. Lily died right in front of me, how can she be alive?"

"That was a decoy, Luke," Aubrey says, and I raise an eyebrow at her. Decoy?

"You mother thought it would be easier for us all if we thought she was dead. But, the other day, Aubrey and I broke into the City. We needed answers, and seeing as some people are too scared to do it-" he looks pointedly at Luke. "-we decided to do some digging. We saw your mother, who is alive and well. But we also heard her plan."

I raise an eyebrow at him. "Plan?" His eyes are hesitant.

"Her plan to kill you."

Luke jumps up, stalking towards the boy in the chair. "You listen to me, okay? Ridley has been through so fucking much, and your telling her that her very own mother is alive and wanting to kill her? Stop bull-shiting and tell the truth, or I'll kill you before you can even beg for mercy."

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