Love At First Sight (Larry Stylinson)

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Chapter 1:

Louis' P.O.V:

I woke up to a hot, heavy breath on the back of my neck. I shivered. I turned to see, sleeping so beautifully and peacefully, Harry Edward Styles. Ugh I just love his name. I wondered why he was sleeping there then I remembered that he got cold last night and asked if he could sleep with me. And I accepted of course. Little did he know that I got butterflies when he asked. I started to think of how cute and funny he was when my thoughts were interrupted but a dry, husky voice.

"What are you thinking about Lou?" Harry asked

I love it when he calls me that.

“Oh, nothing Haz.” I lied

I guess I'm not a very good liar because he seemed to have seen right through me. I hope to God he couldn't.

“I can tell something's on your mind, tell me please.” He pleaded

“I'm seriously not thinking of anything Haz, so please stop asking me.” I stated nicely

“Fine, if you don't wanna tell me then don't, just remember that you can talk to me about anything. Okay?” He said so sweetly

“Okay.” I said “Thanks Hazza. Well I guess we should be getting dressed for today.”

“What's for?” He said so seriously for some reason

“The boys texted me an hour ago and told me that he wants us both to meet them at Nando's in 20”

I said while picking out a nice white shirt with stripes and maybe a clean blazer, but I put it back. Then I got my red pants and a pair of Toms and went to the bathroom. The fans always love it when I wear Harry's clothes, although they are a bit big on me. Most of the fans that freak out the most when I wear his clothes are the Larry shippers. They ship Larry HARD, like super hard! But I love it anyway.

After I took a shower and got dressed, I went to go check on Harry. I didn't hear a shower running anywhere in the flat so I went to check his room. He wasn't in there. I looked all around our flat and still couldn't find him. I was getting ready to go into the living room to wait on him when I heard a noise coming from my room. I opened it to find Harry having trouble with his blazer. I chuckle and walk over to him and say “It looks a bit small Haz.”.”But all my other blazers are dirty and they probably don't fit anymore.”. I looked at him beautifully. I get butterflies in my stomach whenever I see him. Little does he know that that happens. I don't think I should be feeling this way for another guy, right? It's unnatural isn't it? I mean I'm straight, I like girls. But it's different around Harry. I've been feeling these feelings for a while. Maybe it's just a phase. Yea, it's just a phase... at least I hope it's just.......

“What are you thinking about?”

I am shaken from my thoughts

“What?” I say to Harry

“You were deep in thought again. What were you thinking about?”

“Oh, nothing.” I lied again, I really hated lying to him.

“That's a lie and you know it. I cant tell when you're lying Lou. You're not a very good at it.”

“I can be if I want to be!” I defended

“No, you can't even when you want to. Admit it Lou, you're not a very good liar.” He said

I didn't say anything.

“Lou, please talk to me.” He said so sweetly

I got butterflies again for some strange reason.

I mean, I didn't like my best mate and band mate, right? It's not right. Or is it?

Authors Note:Please vote/comment on this if I should continue... .xx

-Victoria Hobbs

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