0.12|when wearing an apron|

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0.12|from Sabah's tape recorder: when wearing an apron|

"Oh my God!" Auburn stared at the computer. "How is this even possible?"

"What?" I asked, looking at the computer screen which was full of unintelligible English words.

"It is Anthony in the poster. He is a German footballer, currently playing for Real Madrid," Auburn read off the screen in a shocked voice. "Oh and he has a terrible Wikipedia image," she pointed and laughed her infectious laugh. "Its so bad that it doesn't even look like him."

I laughed along heartily. It was bad, really bad. We looked at a few more pictures and articles but we only believed fully when we saw videos of him actually playing. He was a real footballer. "And to think I made him wait on tables and even help wash mugs and plates."

"Oi, you two!"

Both of us turned, already knowing the person to whom that thick German accent belonged to, to see the man himself, wearing my apron and looking very flustered.

Immediately, Auburn clicked close all the internet pages and stood up with a sheepish smile. I rolled my eyes. Youngsters these days! Can't even not look sheepish.

"You two left the café with customers," he said in an accusing tone in between gasps. He had probably been running around a lot. "I have been trying but I don't know how the machines work and everybody is shouting things in Spanish and-"

My eyes widened. I had totally forgotten about the customers!

I pinched Anthony's already pink cheeks playfully, "Gracias, young man. I'll get back to them."

He smiled, reaching up to brush his hair to the side awkwardly, "No problem. Here, take your apron."

"It looks better on you."

He spluttered, reddening, "What!? Uh-"

Auburn chuckled, "You do look good in it."

He looked at her expectantly, reaching up once again to sweep back his hair, "Oh, danke, I mean, thanks."

How was he so adorable without even trying? I winked at Auburn, knowing very well that she was falling for him.

[hey, you all *waves excitedly*

hope you're doing well and enjoyed this #aubony chapter. please vote and comment and i'll give you virtual pizza (i'm eating some rn)

isn't Anthony bae? he's so cute, writing his character is so adorable and sweet and uhh I need to stop :P

love you lots]

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