Chapter 1- Tris

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All I see is a light. A very faint, weary light, but a light nethertheless. My eyes hurt. They have not been exposed to this much brightness since... well I don't know when. I don't remember much. I remember talking to Tobias, before my brother went on his suicide mission.

"I love you Tris."
"I love you too, see you soon."

I remember finding Caleb, and after our last moments were quickly ended by the blasting alarms. I remember holding him at gunpoint, and forcing him to let me go, through the death serum instead of him.

I remember the death serum was hard to fight, and I was losing hope. I just thought of Tobias, and I fought everything for him.

The last things I remember were of David: not the greatest last sight to see. He admitted he loved my mother, and distracted by the shock, I let my guard down. I remember the devious smile on his face, when he pulled the trigger. I don't know where it hit, but it hurt like crazy. But I did everything I could to set of the memory serum, and to eliminate our enemies peacefully, without any killing.

Did it work? Am I dead?
I do not know.

The very last thing I remember is my mother lifting me into her arms. I remember her hushed tone, her warm fragrance soothing my worries. There was nothing more of me needed on this Earth. I am finished.
But I can't let myself think that.

Tobias once said, "If you die, I die too." I hope that what he said wasn't true, because I want him to live his life, without the burden of me, Tris, on his shoulders, weighing him down until he cracks. I hope Caleb told him that I didn't want to leave him. I didn't want Tobias to see me as finding my way out in this world, like at the Erudite test facilities a while ago. I wanted to him to know that what I did was out of love and selflessness, not just a dauntless act of adrenaline.

Tobias had always been protective of me, and I love him for that. But he has to wake up and see that I am not just some naive 16 year old girl. I was a few months ago, but now, I am much more. I have a life worth living because every second it is spent with someone I love and I know I am helping people do the right thing.

I hate how Tobias and I bicker at each other every so often. But we do it out of love, and we argue about the best way to defend ourselves, not hurt ourselves. I love Tobias Eaton so much, and I will not leave this Earth until we are both ready, to leave together. Every minute I am away from him, it feels like a complete waste of time. I need him.

How long have I been here? I am suddenly gaining a bit of impatience. I reach my hand up, wanting some answers, and to feel my surroundings. A hand embraces my own, and a faint hope is that it belongs to Tobias. But accompanied the hand is a familiar voice I will never forget. David.

Authors note:
I won't be updating unless I get some views, likes and comments. So please let me know what you think so far so I can update as soon as possible! I have written about half of it already!

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