Chapter Twenty: When A Stranger Calls

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"Why do I feel like the main character from the movie When A Stranger Calls? Like the crazy old guy is about to pop out of nowhere and try to chop my head off

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"Why do I feel like the main character from the movie When A Stranger Calls? Like the crazy old guy is about to pop out of nowhere and try to chop my head off." -Amara Abdullahi, FH.

CHAPTER TWENTY: When A Stranger Calls

Amara Abdullahi

2 Months Later

Amran is due any day now and everything is hectic.

Her and Nur have been freaking out all week trying to figure out baby names for their baby girl. Oh, wait I didn't tell you guys the gender of the baby? Well she's a baby girl! I was so excited when Amran announced it to us a couple of months ago. I could practically see another baby girl running around this house just like Mahi.

"Amara can you please get in here?" My sister called from the kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen where her and Farah were talking.

"What's up?" I asked as I sat next to them.

"What do you think of the name Juwayriah? Nur and I love that name." Amran asked as she took a sip of her tea. "It's great. And we could call her Juwa for short, what do you think?" I suggested in an excited tone."Perfect! Little Juwa." Farah exclaimed with a huge smile on her face. "And that is why I'm proud to say you're my little sister!" Amran added. After that I walked into my room and laid down on my bed. Lately I've been thinking a lot, about everything and everyone. Especially about graduation which is in three weeks. I still can't believe it's happening you know? Everything is going so fast it's hard to catch up. Another thing I've been thinking about recently, well more like someone rather than something, was Zubair. I don't know why but ever since I found out that he was the boy that I met when I was eight, it changed everything. He really comforted me that day and made me feel a lot better. Come to think of it, he actually does that a lot.

Before I just saw him as the annoying guy who got me detention the first day back to school but now...I don't know what to think of him. I mean he's really sweet, considerate and not as cocky as I thought he was. What am I doing!? I thought to myself. I need to snap out of this! I can't like him. And plus, he probably doesn't even think about me that way. He probably just sees me as Hamid's moody twin sister and I just have to live with that.

Suddenly my phone started ringing from my bedside table, making me snap out of my trance like thoughts. I got up and held my phone against my ear. It's weird it's an unknown number. "Is this Amara?" An unfamiliar deep voice said from the other line. "Yes and may I ask who are you?" I responded as politely as possible. There was silence on the other end which made me worry. Who's calling me? Why do I feel like the main character from the movie When A Stranger Calls? Like the crazy old guy is about to pop out of nowhere and try to chop my head off.

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