Chapter 32 - Isle of Bast-Bula

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The cool, dark room seemed to hold its breath in anticipation of a new arrival. Deep in its shadows a woman calmly meditated. Eventually, the person both room and woman waited for so eagerly started to emerge from the sweet-smelling pond.

The dark oils streamed off her honeyed hair as she rose slowly from its depths. She seemed wary, pausing often in her ascent, eyes probing every visible curve of the chamber walls. Finally she stepped out of the viscous fluid and onto the cold floor.

Just as she relaxed a calm voice echoed from the shadows. "Nice suit Amira. Armani is it? I own an identical one, right down to the customised cufflinks. You seem nervous. Anything the matter?"

Amira snapped to attention, knife in hand. "I thought I told you what our arrangement was on Metta. You're supposed to disappear."

"You can't see me, can you?"

"Stop playing games Elizabeth, what do you want?"

Elizabeth glided into the centre of the chamber, amber eyes calculating. "Our arrangement included keeping Simone safe, not sending your paramour after her."

Amira flinched as if she'd been struck.

'Oh yes, I know all about your murky past Amira. I helped you because I thought you'd been wronged, that I could help you move past it."

"You know nothing."

"Killing everyone isn't going to make it better Amira."

The curvy priestess was shaking with anger. "That's where you're wrong, it is. All the filthy men will be gone and those left will be slaves. Every weak women will be gone. There will only be the priestesses and survivors left. We will be like dragon queens serving BastBula."

Elizabeth moved a few steps closer to her angry former deputy.

"Amira, you need help. Let me help you. We'll talk to Lady Hazel, the healers can work with you."

"Shut up. You will do what I say or your daughter dies. You have no idea who I have on my side. That will be the end of your sacrifices, the end of your ambition, the end of the Sarsaura. Your name will be immortalised by the spirit jellies as the Betrayer, not the Diplomat. And once I have done that I will destroy your husband and your son. You will have nothing left."

Elizabeth looked at her coolly. "I could stop you right now."

Amira started giggling. "You could. And that would trigger it all. I know everything about you Elizabeth. You've told me more than I need to know."

"Then we appear to be at an impasse." With that Elizabeth melted back into the shadows. The sound of Amira giggling and snorting to herself echoed through the chamber for a disconcertingly long time.

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