Oh No!

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Mark kept staring at me and smiling. I knew he was trying to help but what happened to Mike sacred me for life. Mark and Mike were quite similar. They both had black hair, except that Mike would wet his to make it stay flat while Marks hair went wild in different directions. They both were very funny as well. Then night came pretty quickly but the sky looked more like a purple sky. Bob said it looked like the end in Minecraft, a game that the guys would play I guess.
Jack parked the buss in a near by parking lot with abandoned cars everywhere.
"Out of all the creepy places around you choose the creepiest place", Wade said. "This is the holy grail of creepy places",.
I had to agree with him. The cars around us had busted windows and bodies were everywhere.
"It's not that late why don't we divide up in to groups and go find supplies from the cars", Bob said.
"Great idea, Mark, Alexander, and I will be a group. Fritz, Kate, and Jack, and Aaron are a group, and Bob and Wade and Ava and Anna are a group okay", I said.
"Okay, break",I said. Everyone left with there group except me, Mark, and Alexander.
"I see a bat out side that we could use to bust windows", Mark said.
"Okay let's go", I said. Alex just trailed behind me and Mark.
I picked up the bat and looked at it. It had a few dents but it was in good shape for smashing stuff. I handed it to Mark. He took the bat than walked over to a white car and with one swift hit the side door glass broke. Mark cleared out the glass and I looked over at Alex.
"Why don't you get in there and look around", I said. His face went red then he listened and climbed in. Me and Mark could hear sounds of him rummaging in between the seats. While we were waiting to see what Alex found Mark hit the back of the car causing the trunk to pop open. There was a light in the hood that was automatic and snapped on.
"Looks like who ever owned this car had a a lot off time to prepare for this time" Mark said pulling out a duffel bag filled with guns. And another duffle bag full with ammunition.
There were about 12 guns. Mark sat down on the concert of the parking lot and leaned up against the car and started to load each gun with ammo.
"By the time I'm done each of us will have a gun. I trust that you people will be mature with a gun", Mark said. His glasses shined from the light from the trunk.
"Yes, we will be fine", I said.
"Good", Mark said.
I walked to where Alex was.
"Look what I found", Alex said holding a box of spray paint and Christmas lights.
"Do I have pro mission to decorate the RV?", Alex said.
"Yes, just as long as I do it with you, and don't act like I am a adult", I said.
"Okay sorry", Alex said. I helped him climes out of the car.
"Mark we will be back we have to go to the RV and do something", I said.
"Okay be fast about it", Mark grunted.
"Okay", I said. I took the box out of Alex's hands and we walked back to the RV.
"What should we paint it?", Alex asked.
"Well, we should put something cool, I know", I said. I took out the color blue and other colors.
"We should write catchphrases that the guys and us say", I said.
"Good idea", Alex said. "Jack says Like a Boss all the time",.
Alex pulled out green and spray painted it in big letters on the side of the RV.
"We should just draw pictures too and our names in graphite", I said.
"Okay let's get too it", Alex said. We totally decked that bus up. We painted pink mustaches like the one on Marks shirt, green and red for Jack and Aaron, and a w for Wade and Bob with a b. We also put the Christmas lights inside the bus on the top to make it not so dark at night.
I heard foot steps and I walked out side of the RV. It was Mark carrying the bag with the guns.
"Whoa, you guys did great on the RV", Mark said. He climbed on to the RV and looked at the inside as he sat the bag down. 
"Every gun is locked and loaded, I hope the rest of the group is okay", Mark said.
"Did you see any lights?", I asked.
"No, but I did hear voices that was all", Mark said.
"Then that could be them", Alexander said.
We all walked off of the RV to see if we could see the rest of them.
"ANNA!", I called. "JACK!",.
No response came sending a cold shiver down my spine.
"WADE,BOB, COME ON STOP PLAYING AROUND GUYS", Mark called starting to get panicky. "Where the heck are they?", Alexander said.
"Mark grab me a gun you guys stay here let me see if there okay or even where they are", I said.
"Okay, be careful", Mark said walking in to the RV and taking out a hand gun and giving it to me. I grasped my hands around the gun trying to avoid pressing the trigger.
"If I'm not back in a few minute look for me", I said.
"Okay", Alex said. Mark agreed.
I walked away from Alexander and Mark and in to the darkness. It was not that bad, my eyes got use to it making my eyes very keen in sight.
I held the gun to my side and listened to the environment around me.
I could hear the wind blowing and my heart beat, that was all.
I was about to go past a car when I heard a gun shot and a blood hurdling cry.
I ducked behind the abandoned car and started to pray saying "Dear Lordy, no, please don't let on of my gang be dead",.
I army crawled to peak around the car. I saw nothing so I jumped up and ran fast to another abandoned car for cover. I leaned against the car. My throat was dry with each breath I took.
I coughed then I got up cautiously and scanned the area. I made the decision that I still don't know why I made it.
I ran towards where I heard the gun shot and the cry. I was sweating and prying all at once.
When I got to where I thought I heard it I heard a voice "OH MY GOD, I'm so sorry...crap...". It seemed that who ever was speaking was crying. I got up and walked about 12 feet then I saw a sight thy horrifies me to this day. I saw a girl crying. She had yellow hair like me but her face was super pale. It took me a second to see what she was crying about. I saw Jack laying on his back on the concrete parking lot ground. I walked over and I saw Bob and Wade and Aaron gathered around Jack.
"What happened?", I asked. Wade looked up at me tears streaming down his eyes.
"Jack.. Jack was.. Jack was shot", Wade said.  My mind raced. Oh no!

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