Not again :(

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I woke up to the most agonizing pain. It felt like my blood was on fire. Screaming was no use. All that came out was strangled sound. I was like that for five hours. I couldn't move, or anything of that nature. All I could do was lay there, and burn. As it was slowing down, I could feel and here my heart speed up. Then, when the torment was over, my heart stopped. I inhaled air, finding that I could taste and smell particles in the air. I sat, up cautious of where I was. I could tell I was in a mausoleum. What surprised me was how good my hearing was. It was as if it was enhanced further than what it was. I could hear everything. from the little scurrying of mice from a place different than where I was, to even the occasional car honk of a pissed off human.

Then, my throat felt as if it was on fire.

'I need blood.'

With that thought, I smashed my way out of the mausoleum, landing on someone. I looked to see it was Klaus' friend Marcel. Ignoring him, I ran off in the direction of where I smelled fresh prey.

However, when I heard the voices of Klaus and Elijah, my thirst was forgotten. I stopped running, and used my hearing to locate them. I found them in a mausoleum filled with candles. Hayley was with them.

"I'm gonna go find our daughter."

I walked into the mausoleum, making my presence known.

"I'm going with you."


Klaus walked over to me, looking like he's seen a ghost. I cautioned him, while backing up.

"I would keep my distance. I'm having a really hard time controlling my thirst. I don't want to hurt you."

We left the mausoleum, hunting the witches down. Once they were insight, Elijah threw a urn at one of the witches, knocking her out. The other two, stepped in front of the altar, shielding Hope from view.

"Fools. Coming to our place of power in our strongest hour! You don't face three, you face us all!"

I chuckled. The chuckle soon turning into a full on laugh.

"Sorry sweetie," I said in a sickly sweet voice. "That's not going to work."

I raise my hand, power surging within me. I opened my mouth and chanted a protection spell I wrote down in my journal.

"Volentibus laedendi Projeci negandi honestum. Uiribus non operabitur." I repeated that three times.

Visible scratches started to appear on their bodies, before they fell to the grown. I lowered my hand.

"Elijah, go get the other witch. Take her and lock her up. Make sure she stays alive. Klaus, go find Marcel. He was bitten by a wolf. Hayley, take your daughter and go. Make sure she's safe."

I walked to the other two witches, and bent down.

"You'll pay for this." One of them said.

"I've already paid."

I grabbed her by her throat, and sank my teeth into her. Quenching my thirst.

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AN: I'm putting a note on the end of this to check something. Will anyone PM me if they are not able to read the full story? Please and thank you.

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