Hoping for the Best but Expecting the Worst

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Harry P.O.V.

"Harry, I think something's wrong!" As soon as these words left Rose mouth in a panicked, frightened tone I instantly drop the glass of water I previously filled for her and rush to her side, not caring I just broke glass.

"Rose! Rose! Rose!" I shout her name in an overly worried tone as I watch her eyes close. Her body goes limp and weak; I quickly hold her bride style in my arms getting up. I didn't know what to do everything was happening so fast. It's only good to bring her to the hospital since I've never seen her this way, she was boiling hot.

I manage grab my keys, wallet and open the entrance door with her still in my arms. I do it quickly yet carefully.

I place her in the back seat, lying down and with the seat belt on I rush to the driver side and start the car engine. I tried to go really fast to the hospital; I want her to be safe. This could just be one of her panic attacks but something was telling me otherwise. I couldn't stop worrying for her health, what has caused her so much stress?

As I finally arrived I turn off the car and barge into the hospital emergency door running towards a passing by nurse.

"Miss! Miss! My girlfriend fainted and her body tempter is hot, I didn't know what to do. Help me!" I say fast getting the nurses attention. She asked me to show her to Rose and so I did just that. There was another nurse behind her wheeling out a stretcher to have Rose lay on. I helped them get her out of the back and they rushed her into an emergency room.

Seeing the nurse's take an unconscious Rose made my stomach turn, it was a scary situation. I can only hope for the best, I want her to be okay.

~~20 minutes later~~

"We'll run some tests but she's stable nonetheless so you don't have to worry okay?" The nurse I pleaded for help told me, after calmly stopping my pacing since I was walking back and forth continuously, pushing on my lower lip repeatedly with the amount of nervousness running through my whole body.

After the nurse came to see me, she went back to move Rosalie into a room. I was so relieved to know the she was going to be okay but what caused this in the first place? I thought to myself.

"Can I see her?" The only thing I wanted, the only thing I needed was to see her. I was in front of the nurse yet I was stomping my right foot on the ground.

"I'm sorry dear but no." She says giving me an apologetic smile and sympathetic glance before adding on. "Not now at least. As I said we have to run some tests on her and it might take a while. Why don't you go home or call her parents?" She asks.

"Okay. But as soon as she's free can you let me see her or tell her I'm here when she wakes up? I'm not going anywhere." I plead before licking my dry lips.

"Ok, I'll inform her when she's free. I need to go now." She explains and politely goes away.

I sigh and let my over stressed self sit on one of the many plastic chairs.

I bend over until my elbows are on my knees and my hands on my lowered head. Thinking back in what the nurse said I realize that I have to call Dee, and Tyler. He is her actual boyfriend after all. However, I don't have his number which is a plus so I'll just ask Dee to do it for me, way easier.

After searching for Dee's number on my IPhone contacts list I press the call button and place the device against my right ear.

"Dee? It's Harry." I greet after hearing a soft "Hello?" from the other side.

"Harry? Is everything okay?" She asks. Even if we never really talked she seems the type of person that would help any acquaintances she happens to know. I am her best friend's ex after all. And that's so frustrating that I have to be the ex and not the actual boyfriend.

"Uhm... no. Not really. I'm not quite sure." I confess and play with my lower lip with my thumb and index finger. But before she could say anything I continue. "Rose came over earlier this morning and... she suddenly ran to the bathroom and threw up then, after 5 minutes more or less she fainted and--" I was cut by Dee shocked.

"What? Hold on a second." After that I heard some shuffling like she was dressing something.

"Where are you both? At your house?" She asks quickly and I hear a door slamming and someone saying something in the background, I couldn't clearly hear it though.

"No, we're actually at the hospital. I didn't know what to do so I brought her here." I reply with a sigh.

"How is she?" Her voice filled with worried and shock.

"Stable," I say quickly. "They're running some tests on her right now." I pause for a few seconds. "I had no idea who I should call to but I figured that you were the best option..." I trail of a little hesitant. "Did I interrupt something?" I ask after hearing a car door slamming shut.

"Nothing, it wasn't important anyways. Thank you for calling Harry it means a lot. She's my best friend and I'm always there for her."

"It's fine, nothing to thank for. Thank you for picking up. Rose will be happy to see you," I tell her honestly. "Maybe you should tell Tyler. I don't have his number and I don't think I'm the most appropriate person to tell him." I added on nervously.

"Yeah that's right, I'll call him right now. See you in 10 then."

After saying our good byes I hung up and lean back on the chair and let my head support itself on the wall behind me. I needed to stay but does Rose even want me here? Maybe all she wants to see is Tyler.

About fifteen minutes later I hear someone shouting my name.

"Harry!" I open my eyes; it was Dee.

"Dee," I let out and stood up to give her a friendly hug. My eyes wonder to the person behind her, "Tyler." I acknowledge with a nod.

He simply comes directly to me and practically growls in my face.

"Why are you here? Why was she with you?" He asks and I can see actual hatred in his eyes. He's probably thinking the worst of all this right now but Rose came to me.

"That's something you'll have to ask her," I reply maintaining my straight position looking into his eyes not cowering back. As if I would let him walk over me, as if.

"Stop that!" Dee whispers, managing to place herself in-between us on a small wooden bench with her back to me. "She needs us calm not bickering." She says angrily and I sit down on the chair licking my lips. It's not like I wanted to end up in jail for beating his ass up when Rose needs us. Not that he wouldn't have to make a long trip anyways... he's already at the hospital.

~~Later That Night~~

I hope everything is fine. If you feel sick call me immediately okay? Sleep tight love. Xx

I let my head relax against my soft pillow after pressing the send button.

My heart was tight with worry, preoccupation, and fear. Indecision. Not in terms of the baby but her. I feel like I shouldn't leave her alone. Not now. Not ever really.

Loads of things run trough my mind and unfortunately not many are good. Tyler seemed pretty pissed off when Rose dismissed him and he can go to hers at anytime. Even, if he doesn't know about anything.

However, I can't help but smile at the thought of a baby. My baby. Rose's the mother. It's so... exhilarating, breathtaking, shocking too but happy. I'm so happy. I feel happy. But it'll not be easy. Things are no easy. Life is not easy or fair at all.

I have to he prepared for anything. I don't know how it'll be with Tyler since Rose is so sure the baby is mine...

I'm quite young to have a son or a daughter, but maybe this will bring Rose and I closer. I have to be with her every step of the way; I don't want her to feel alone in this because I'll be right there whenever she needs me. I'm going to fall in love with her all over again, just like I'm going to fall in love with mine, our, baby. 


Once again this is another kind of two parter chapter from the previous chapter, it'll be back tomorrow the next time and we'll just continue like a day in Rose's POV and then the next in Harry's. So vote and comment, tell me how you're liking it :D 

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