Seven-A Real Friend

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When I got home from school Monday afternoon, I had no idea what I would end up getting myself into.

Kelly was seated on our couch, playing with Sassy as she talked to my mother. My mom looked up and smiled. "Here she is." Kelly turned and looked at me.

"Riley!" She exclaimed. She stood up and hugged me tightly. My insides are being crushed! I widened my eyes and looked at my mom who just chuckled at this. Kelly pulled away and grinned at me.

"What are you going here?" I asked, trying not to sound too rude.

She clasped her hands together. "I thought we could hang out. You know, get to know each other a little better."

"Oh." Was my response. My mom gave me a stern look and I mentally sighed. "Okay. What do you want to do?" I asked awkwardly. I've never had someone to hang out with so I don't really know what to do.

Kelly shrugged. "I don't care."

Well, she is certainly no help. "How about we take a walk to the park?" I suggested. "I need to walk Sassy anyways."

"Okay." Kelly said, still smiling.

I ran up to my room and threw my things on my bed then grabbed Sassy's leash. When I walked back downstairs, Kelly had Sassy in her arms already. I put the leash on Sassy then I opened the front door.

"We'll be back in a bit mom." I called out to her. We walked out of my house and started walking down the sidewalk.

Kelly held the leash in her hands so I didn't have to. She turned and looked at me. "So, Riley. Tell me a little bit about yourself."

"Um..." I trailed off. "I like to read and listen to music." I answered.

"What kind of books do you read?" She asked.

I don't seem like I would be the mushy-gushy romantic type, but I am. "I like reading romance and mystery novels." Gotta love the mysteries.

"How about music? What kind do you listen to?"

"Mostly Classic Rock and Indie." I don't think I was giving great answers so I switched the subject. "What about you? What should I know about you?"

Her eyes shined. "I love to dance. I've been in ballet since I was three. I was a cheerleader for a while, but I quit. I would love to read more, but I'm usually busy. My favorite TV shows are Pretty Little Liars, The Vampire Diaries, and Gossip Girl. My favorite movie is LOL and someday I want to go skydiving."

Wow. This girl is like the complete opposite of me. I hate all the shows she named. I have never even seen LOL. Dancing has never crossed my mind and I would never go skydiving.

"And you also have a mom who is getting married soon." I commented.

She nodded. "Right."

"So are your parents..." I trailed off, not knowing if I should ask this question.

"Divorced?" She finished for me. "Yeah. They are. They divorced about five years ago."

Curiosity got the best of me. "Do you still see your dad?"

She shook her head. "Jenna visits him sometimes, but I don't feel like I need to see him. He left us, so why should I go see him and his new Barbie wife?" She said bitterly. I'm guessing this is a touchy subject.

"My dad left us too." I said to her. "He left when I was three though."

"Do you remember him?" Kelly asked.

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