Popular Kaneki

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Akita: yay! I can keep Rin, right?

Kaneki: huh?

Akita: *throws phone at him*

Kaneki: ... Please tell me Zygo hasn't seen this yet.

Akita: not sure.

Kaneki: sorry, apparently I'm engaged to Zygo. I don't even know.

Akita: poor Kaneki. So popular with the ladies!

Kaneki: *sighs* please tell me you aren't a fangirl, too.

Akita: wha- noooooo.

Kaneki: NO!

Akita: kidding. *glomps Rin* he's mine.

Kaneki: yeah, so I can't date your friend. Sorry. I have Zygo, my bae.

Akita: HE HAS A BAE!

Kaneki: ...

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