22.) Parental Drama

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Waking up is not my favorite part of the day, let me just make that clear. Not when I wake up willingly or if I’m woken up by another force.

Waking up is especially not enjoyable when there is a phone blasting in my ear. And it’s even worse than that when I look at the caller ID and see that it’s my mother calling, of all people to wake me up on this lovely Australian morning.

“Hello?” I grumbled.

“Olivia, why do you sound tired?” Her harsh voice pierced through my nine o’clock grogginess.

“Because I was sleeping.” I groaned.

“Sleeping?” She yelped. “It’s six in the evening, why on earth are you sleeping? You should be studying and I’m sure you have homework, you can’t let yourself get behind, I’m so tired of having to tell you this every time I call you. I don’t want to keep having this conversation, Olivia.”

“Then stop having it, you start it, not me.” I mumbled, cursing myself for forgetting the time difference between America and Australia and, because my mom doesn’t know that I’m here, I can’t tell her that it’s morning here. “What do you want?”

“Don’t you dare give me that attitude, young lady, you haven’t responded to any of my emails and you haven’t called me back in three weeks, what is going on?”

I sighed heavily, standing up from my bed and moving over to my dresser. I put my phone on speaker, even though I really didn’t want to hear her annoying voice, and started brushing my chocolaty brown hair. “I’ve just been so busy with those classes you told me to sign up for.”

“Really?” She asked in shock.

“Yeah.” I chirped, sarcasm dripping from my voice, but I knew that she wouldn’t be able to pick up on it. Maybe Jackson was right, maybe I should just stand up to her and my father and move on from my earlier years. Maybe my life would be a lot easier without them in it.

“Good, because we know that you need all the schooling you can get. You’re not the sharpest tool in the shed. That’s an idiom.” She informed me.

“I know what a fucking idiom is.” I snapped irritably. “And I’m not smart? You just called me dumb and I graduated high school with a 4.3 GPA.”

“Watch your language, young lady!” My mother gasped. “You weren’t not raised to act like trash.”

“Well, I’m just an all-around disappointment, then aren’t I?” I growled, deciding that I’d just go with it. I mean, it was nine in the morning and I am absolutely not a morning person and I was not in the mood for her nagging and ridicule and jabs at my already nonexistent ego, I was tired of it all and I was just tired. I was on vacation and I should enjoy it and I might have still been grumpy from the conversation with Jackson a few days ago and I still haven’t worked things out with Holly and I just wasn’t in the mood for this.

“I guess so.” She snapped. “You can never do anything right. You really need to get your act together, Olivia.”

“Well, I think that you stink!” I snapped. “And you know what? Maybe I’m not the failure here, did you ever think that maybe you’re just a terrible, terrible person? And a mother- you’re a god awful mother, too. So if I am a bad person, it’s because of you and my father for being such awful, heartless people.”

“Olivia, stop this!” She gasped, but I wasn’t done, I wasn’t even close.

“News flash, Mother, I’m not taking those stupid summer classes, I’m not even in America, I’ve been in Australia for the past month and I’m staying for the whole summer. Another news flash, I’m not a virgin, not even close. I’m actually a whore, thanks to you. I’m a fucked up person and it’s all your fault.”

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