Bodil666 X Abused!Suicidal!Reader Part 2

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I slowly opened my eyes thinking i'm in my room but no. I'm on my couch in the living room. I sat up instantly regretting it as my arm began to sting in pain and I yelped. I heard someone walk in and I gulped and shoved a blanket over my head as the pain in my arm increased. I felt the blanket be pulled away slowly.

I gulped and looked up expecting to see my parents but no im wrong again. I see the boy from school that tried to talk with me. I just looked at him then looked down. "Hey you ok?" I heard him say in his Bulgarian accent. I shrugged and said "I-Im kinda used to it.." and I moved into a sitting position and I saw him sit down next to me.

I looked up and saw him just looking at me. He saw me and looked down and I saw a blush creep onto his cheeks. I smiled slightly, I then tried to stand up but fell down and I shrieked. I squeezed my eyes shut waiting to hit the ground but I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I opened my eyes and saw the boys face inches away from mine.

I started blushing and he did to. He leaned closer then kissed me. On. The. Lips. My eyes went wide and eventually I kissed back. I felt fire works fly and I pulled away. "Im y/n by the way." I said. "Im Martin but call me Bodil." he said it was then I noticed a faint red glow from under his sunglasses.  I also noticed some blood on his black suit.

I tilted my head in confusion and he gulped. He then said "I may have kinda might've killed your 'parents'" and I slightly smiled and glad they were out of my life. "I guess its ok. They never liked me any way..." I said.


ok yea not the ending you guys are used to but I had to end it there. My writers block is comeing back to yay! -_-  that's always fun am I right? yea also cheack out the new InsaneSub X Neko!Reader. I will post more but it will take time for me to update them all. so yea it might be 1 a month maybe 2 a week idk. it all depends on my writers block and school....

Im Color and When The World Gives You Crap You Fight Back!

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