Chapter 27: This War Is Ours Part I

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"How is everything?" Juri asked Melpone when she spotted her outside.

"Everything is in order Lady Juriko. I have ordered some to take guard around the island and Miaka is handing out and organizing the weapons."

Juri nodded her head, "Thank you Melpone."


She turned her head to the sound of her fiancee's voice with a smile. 

"Jack!" She called and went to him, he smirked.

"What's with the fancy getup?" He asked, referring to her dark dress. (Picture>>>)

She rolled her eyes in amusement, "It's never too late to add a little black to a few things."

"Well at least you'll be ready for any funerals that may happen today."

She shoved him lightly as they heard heavy footsteps walk in the area. They turned to see the Guardians beside by Leukosia, Parthenope, and Cupid.

"I heard that my dear Parthenope sang yesterday at dinner while I slept. Is it true?" Cupid called out to Juri. Juri giggled and nodded, Cupid slapped down his arms in disappointment. "And I missed it?!"

 They laughed as Parthenope slapped the back of Cupid's head. 

"North! You have the staff?!" Jack called. North nodded and pulled out the staff from the inside of his coat, tossing it to Jack.

"Good." Juri says, "Now we should have Himeropa hold onto it and put it up. If we can't talk to the Mermaids and Harpies peacefully, once war starts: we'll take action and use the staff. Got it?" 

Jack nodded, ruffling her red hair, "Got it."

He laughed when she slapped his hand away and fixed the top of her hair. Juri spotted Amelia walking afar, her face lit.

"Amelia!" She called.

Amelia turned her head to Juri as she ran to Amelia. A deja vu moment struck Amelia as she then saw blonde locks appear over Juri's along with a familar giggle. 

"Where were you last night? I didn't see you!" Juri said smiling at her.

Amelia gave a soft smile back replying with, "I was a bit tired my Lady, so I headed back to my room to rest."

"Aww I'm sorry." Juri apologized, "I was actually looking foward to hanging out with you last night. But sleep is what you needed!"

"Juri." Jack said, coming up right behind her, "We have to go to the shoreline now."

"Got it. Just give me a minute and I'll catch up with you." Jack nodded and headed off with the Guardians as Juri continued, "Amelia, do you mind giving this to Himeropa?"

She asked as she handed over the staff to Amelia. Amelia took it shakingly into her hands. 

"Tell her to hold onto it for now and put it up. If we can't talk to them peacefully and war breaks loose, we'll get it and take action. Do you understand?"

"Yes Lady Juriko."

Juri smiled at Amelia, making Amelia feel guilty though with the staff in her hands, though it gave her other thoughts.


 They all stood behind the shoreline, all Sirens, armed and surrounding their Queens. Leukosia, Juri, and Parthenope stood in the middle of it all, Jack held Juri's hand as he stood beside her. She looked up at him and gave a reassuring smile. The Guardians stood behind them and Cupid stood next to Parthenope.

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