Chapter Seven - Find Me

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[Aide drawn by me as I imagine him]

They all settled down for the night in some woods not too far away from Bart. They had unpacked their tents from their carriage and set up camp. It was now after sunset, but Emaia was restless. How was she suppose to sleep knowing that she was hunted? Every time she heard a twig snap, she turned and looked for a figure. She knew no one was there, but from time to time, her imagination got away with her and she swore she could see a silhouette.

The men were still gathered around the fire, talking—laughing, even—like nothing was wrong.

She turned over on the ground and gazed hopelessly into the woods. This was going to be a long night...

But just as she was about to shut her eyes, she saw something, and this time she was sure it wasn't a figment of her imagination. Emaia sat straight up, certain that she had seen a hooded figure. It was dark, only the dim light from the fire lit up the branches and shaped weird shadows across the woods.

She narrowed her eyes and focused. She was certain someone was there.

Suddenly she heard a twig snap behind her and she whipped around, quick enough to see a human shape disappear behind some trees.

That was it.

Emaia shot to her feet and headed for the fire. The men were still casually talking as if they didn't have a care in the world.

"Hanke!" She called as she ran towards them.

Hanke who was sitting next to Dash, turned in his seat and looked eerily at her distressed figure. "What's the matter? Something in the woods stirred ye' sleep, lass?"

Emaia stopped in front of the men who piped down to hear her out. "I saw someone! Just now, in the woods! I couldn't make out the shape, but I'm positive that I saw a cloak!"

Hanke frowned and looked worriedly at her. "We are in deep wilderness, Me Lady. Are ye' sure ye're not just tired? Ye' haven't slept for a good time, and the shadows in here—"

"I said I was certain," She snapped and crossed her arms. "I saw the tip of a cloak, but it disappeared behind some trees!"

"It might just have been an animal," Hanke suggested and turned back to pour himself another mug of warm soup.

"Since when do animals wear cloaks?" Emaia snapped and took a step closer. "I think you should do a check around the woods—"

"Listen, why don't ye' go back to sleep, eh?" Hanke hoarsely chuckled and took a large gulp from his soup. "There's nothing to be worried about, go get some rest."

"I saw someone!" She almost shouted at him. Was he being thick? "I know there is someone out there watching us and you wont even go check!"

"Me Lady—"

"She's right."

The voice seemed familiar and came from the outline of the woods. Everyone turned toward the source, including Emaia, who gasped from the shock.

A man in a long black cloak stepped out from behind a tree and took a few cautious steps forward. When the men reached for their weapons, he stopped and held up two gloved hands. "I come in peace."

Emaia dropped her jaw; It was him. Her mystery rescuer from Bart! How had he found her?

He wore his long black cloak and leather armor outfit, but at least from what she could tell, he had taken off his mask, though she couldn't be certain. He kept his head tilted downwards and the hood of his cloak kept his face hidden. Only the faint outline of his lips and chin were visible for everyone to see.

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