IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 28 -Part 2-

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Who’s got 644 votes? This chick of an Author!: It’s the truth! I’m so proud of myself! Some Authors who are a million times more talented than I am don’t get very many views and reads and such. I feel kinda depressed and happy at the same time! Guess what my parents are doing? They. Are. Threatening. Me. Okay, so I’m a beginner driver, right? And I have my permit, right? So I should practice, right? Wrong. I hate driving with a deep piercing passion. It’s lazy, pointless, and I don’t want to do it. But my parents threaten that if I don’t drive, I don’t get to go on the computer. Solution? Go on the computer when they aren’t home. Perfecto!


I Was Dared to Love You (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)

Chapter 28: The Muggle Next Door

-Part 2-: What’s sledding?

-----------| Gavin’s POV |-------------

            There she was, in all her teenager glory. Violet Jesperson, the woman of my future, of my dreams! Her short brown hair was perfectly lazed and she still had her wonderful showy pajamas. She was glaring at me with her aquamarine eyes and I felt my chest explode in a hope that perhaps it was an act. But I couldn’t show her that I was such a wuss about how she felt about me, now could I? I am a man. And men do not, and I repeat do not, care about feelings. Well, that’s what my older brother told me anyway.

            So I decide to go with the usual greeting, the one Violet’s expecting from a realman, “Hey, gorgeous, what’s shakin’?” I made my voice a bit lower and as suave as possible. It was the voice I had been practicing in the shower and in front of the mirror for the past month and a half. The Player Voice. Now for The Player Glance. I made my brown eyes, which I knew she drowned herself in, check out her legs and chest area (it’s childish to say boobies). I couldn’t help but notice she had no cankles and no blemishes on her skin, aside from the occasional angel kiss.

            “Take a picture, it lasts longer,” I heard Violet perkily quip up. Oh she thought she was so witty didn’t she? For a moment I just stared at her, that smile of hers was so addictive that I just had to stare for a while. I shake my head with force, internally of course. I have looked like such a weirdo otherwise. And then I begin to think of a quick response. Finding the perfect one, a dorky smile works its way up my mouth and I raise my hands the way my brother taught me to. Forming a camera with my hands, I snap a faux picture. Whispering the word “Click!” I pretend to look at the camera screen.

            “That’s a keeper!” I decide out loud as if there was truly a picture.

            The look on Violet’s seemed to one of ‘Oh my God, Gavin is such a babe!’ and I grinned at my awesomeness. “Why are you really here, Gavin?” I just love it when you say my name, Violet! If you were to just take up on my offer of marriage then perhaps I could force you to say my name and do my chores all day long! Wait. What was the question again?

            Why was I here?

            Why was I here?


            “Do you want to go sledding with me and my brother on the big hill?” Pulling the string that was still in my hand, I yank my long orange sled into view. Gregory, that was my older brother, said that today he had time to sled. Usual he was too busy with his job and all, but today he said we could go to the big hill! The one in our neighbor’s backyard (not Violet’s yard). Our neighbors were from Florida and only came in the summer, so it was always vacant in the winter, when it was cold out. I shuffled about in my snow gear and waited for her to answer.

            Just as she was about to talk in her angelic voice, one of pure evil and hate spoke first. “Did I hear the word ‘sledding’?” Devon Jesperson. My older brother’s idiotic crush. They were gamers together and whenever Devon came over I never got any sleep. They would yell at the screen, tackle each other, and I swear one time I hear ‘mua-mua’ noises, aka that creepy thing my parents call kissing.

            Then another voice from the devil comes out from behind Devon, “What’s sledding?” A blonde ‘bloke’ (for I’m sure he’s from England where Violet goes to school) pokes his head out from behind everyone. I glare at him; he glares back. Was he here for Violet? Was he Violet’s boyfriend? Has he seen her in a bikini? If any of the answers were yes then I was sure to hate him.

            He doesn’t know what sledding is?

            I hate him.

            Not only because he didn’t know what sledding was but because he was taller than me.


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Love and fireworks,


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