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Louis blinked as the door of Harry's house opened to reveal a very pretty girl.

"Um... Is Harry here?" Louis asked slowly.

"Yeah, he's in the shower," the girl replied, pushing back a dark lock of hair. "You must be his friend, Louis."

"I am," Louis replied slowly. "Are you, um, Harry's cousin or something?"

The girl let out a loud laugh. "That would be a little awkward if we were related. I'm Daphne, his-"

There was a loud slam from inside the house and the girl sighed, opening the door wider for Louis to enter.

Was this girl Harry's girlfriend? He couldn't have a girlfriend, he admitted to liking Louis and now, Niall.

But Harry had said he was bisexual.

"Daphne!" A familiar blonde girl stepped into the room, smiling when she saw the pair. "Oh! You're Louis! What a cutie," the girl cooed, walking over to Louis and holding out a hand. "I'm Harry's sister, Gemma."

"Nice to meet you," Louis mumbled, reaching out his hand and shaking hers.

This was Gemma?

Louis had been sure, by the way Harry spoke, that Gemma was depressed or there was something wrong with her, but this girl looked happy.

"Go upstairs and wait for Harry," Gemma ordered. "He should be out in a minute, he was saying how late he'd be."

Louis nodded, eyeing the Daphne girl before making his way to Harry's bedroom. He opened the door, blushing at the sight.

Harry was turned away from him, a towel loose on his slim waist, back muscles clenching as he opened a dresser drawer, long hair wet and dripping over the skin.

Harry turned around at the sound of his door opening, smiling at Louis as if they hadn't been in an argument and as if Harry wasn't naked, besides a towel.

Harry placed some clothes on his bed, now showing off his bare chest, raising an eyebrow. "Close the door, would ya? Sort of have to change."

Louis kicks the door closed with his foot, staring at Harry dropped the towel and- fuck, Harry was so hot. Louis gulped, adjusting his eyes to the floor.

A knowing Harry was smirking widely as he pulled on boxers, green plaid pajama bottoms, and a grey tee, occasionally glancing at Louis, who was staring at his feet.

"Take off your shoes, stay a while," Harry suggested.

"Why do you want me here?" Louis asked instead, finally looking up to see Harry ruffling his hair with the towel.

"I want to hang out," Harry replied simply. "You're right. We should be able to be friends and I was overreacting."

Louis stared at Harry before carefully sitting on the bed. "Yeah... You're right. So, is that your sister's friend downstairs?"

"Daphne? Yeah, something like that," Harry replied, smiling shyly.


"Is she your girlfriend?" Louis blurted, making Harry let out a loud laugh, falling onto his back and clutching his stomach.

"Shit, I wish. Daphne is Gemma's girlfriend," Harry said, still laughing uncontrollably. It was a bit annoying, actually.

Louis knit his eyebrows together, embarrassment creeping up his neck and into his cheeks. "It's... Your sister is gay?"

"She is," Harry replied, calming down. "She's always been that way, even when she was very young. She's always preferred girls."

Louis felt a sort of realization flowing through his bones, eyes focusing on Harry. "That's why you wanted to help me? But Gemma's so carefree-"

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