Chapter 27 - I Can't Believe It

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Chapter 27 - I Can't Believe It

Jenny POV

Tonight we are going back to Los Angeles. The Simpson's, Ethan, and the Star's are going back to LA. I pack all my stuff. In a few minutes we are going to the airport. I gave Grandma a big hug.

"Jennifer I want you to stay strong. I know it's hard for you for Grandpa's and your mother's death. You need to stay strong. Also don't be with a guy that doesn't deserve you. I love you. Also good luck in your music career." Grandma said.

"I will and I love you too." I said.

"We got to go. Bye mom." Dad said.

We went in the car and drove to the airport. We through security and stuff. We are going on a private jet so we don't get mob or something on the plane.

"When we get back and L.A. likes Beach Nerds. We have to get working so you guys can have tours, concert, signing, etc." Ethan said.

"Kk." I said. I put my ear buds in and fell asleep.

Justin POV

I can't believe my parents are back together again. I hope they get marry. I got was on Twitter doing nothing. Than I get a call from Scooter.

"Hey man. What up?" I said.

"Hey Justin I need you at the studio." Scooter said.

"Okay I'll be there in a few." I said. "Cool man. Bye." Scooter said. I hang up my phone and went to the studio. When I got there I saw Selena there too.

"Hey Scooter what's up?" I said.

"I want to ask you if you could break up with Jenny and be with Selena." Scooter said.

"What the fuck Scooter hell no? I fucking love Jenny. She is my world. I don't want to fucking date Selena. No offense Selena but I love Jenny. Nothing in the world will make me break up with her." I said almost shout. I don't know what happen next but I was on the floor with Selena on top of me. I heard a gasp. I saw it was Jenny.

Jenny POV

"We will be landing in 15 minutes." The intercom said. I woke up and woke everyone else up too.

"I text your body guard and he should be here." Ethan said.

Couple minutes later we were landing.

"I want a piggy back ride." I said.

"I'll give you one." Cody offer. I jump on his back and off we went. We went to the baggage claim and got our stuff.

"Here he is." Ethan said. A guy in his early 20's, dirty blond hair, hazel eyes, and a built body came up to us.

"Guys this is Gavin. Gavin this is Jennifer aka Jenny, Jonathan, Jayden, Joey, Cody, Alli, Brad, Tom, and Angie." Ethan said.

"Come let's go." Gavin said. We went to the car and went home.

We drop our stuff off. Alli, Jonathan, Jayden, Ethan, Dad, Cody, and I went to the studio. When we got there I saw something that broke my heart. I gasp. I guess everyone saw it too. Jonathan and Jayden were so mad that their face kinda turn red.

"Jennifer it's not what it looks like." Justin said getting up.

"Really Justin it doesn't look like Selena fucking Gomez hovering over you. Doing who knows what to you. Also sorry Dad for the language." I said.

"No Jenny. Scooter wants me to break up with you and date Selena. I don't know what happen next." Justin said.

"Does Scooter want you to break with me or you want to break up with me?" I ask. I wasn't even crying but I was close.

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