Chapter Twenty Four: Happy

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"Someone like me doesn't deserve to love a girl like you

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"Someone like me doesn't deserve to love a girl like you." -Zubair Hassan, FH.


Amara Abdullahi

Death. It can come at any age and any given moment without any of us seeing it coming. One moment you could be completely fine healthy even, then the next it could all change right before your eyes.

"Ya Allah please let her be okay."

I could hear sobs coming from next to me. It was so weird because I could hear everything but I couldn't open my eyes. No matter how hard I try I just can't do it.

"How the hell did this happen!? I told her to run while I distract him!" I could recognize Zakariya's angry shouting.

"How do you think this happened!? It's all my fault. I need to get away from here. After she wakes up and I know she's fine, I'll get out of their lives for good this time."

What? After all this time he's going to choose to run away again?

"Don't you dare even think of running away. If you were going to leave again then you shouldn't have come in the first place. She's going to be fine In Shaa Allah." Zak exclaimed.

Third Person

Finally the doctor arrived inside the room their room with a clip board in his hands and an apologetic look on his face. That look worried Mahmoud and Zakariya. "What's wrong with her, Doc?" Zak asked nervously as he looked at him with pleading eyes. The doctor sighed as he looked at his clip board.

"I'm sorry to say this but she's in a coma. We don't know how long it will be until she wakes up. Other than the bullet wound on her stomach, she took a hard hit to her head when she fell." The doctor said apologetically. At that moment Hamid, Amran, Nur, Amir and Mahirah came into the room they were in. "Oh my god what happened? What the hell did you do to her!?" Amran shouted at Mahmoud as tears streamed down her cheeks. Hamid took a step closer and held his twin's hand as if she would disappear if he ever let it go. He couldn't form the words to explain how he felt.

This was his sister, his twin. They came into this world together, they have a bond like no other. And to see her lying on a hospital bed like that set him off. He wanted answers, he wanted to make sense of this. The first person he turned to was his father. "Tell me what happened, all of it." He breathed out each and every word as if trying hold back his anger. He was never one to show his emotions but if it was too much for him to handle, anyone can see it as plain as day. And this, this was too much for him to handle.

"I'll explain." Zakariya jumped in. He turned to him with fire in his eyes. "Okay then, explain!" Hamid shouted in full blown anger. Zak grabbed his arm and pulled him outside of the room. Once they were in a quiet place where no one could hear the, he started to talk.

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