Chapter 11

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I'm sure everyone is like me right now; openmouthed and dumbfounded. I stared at Harry in disbelief. The atmosphere of the room tensed up. There must been a mistake! Harry is underage, he can't enter tournament! "I didn't put my name in," Harry said blankly. "You know I didn't." I tried to say something but couldn't. At the top table, Professor Dumbledore had straightened up, nodding to Professor McGonagall. "Harry Potter!" he called again. "Harry! Up here, if you please!" "Go on," Hermione whispered, giving Harry a slight push. Murmurs in the halls slowly turned into noise; everyone is talking about Harry. All the Gryffindors are frozen in their seats. I slowly processed what happened. There is no way Harry can crossed the age line...How did he put his name in? Or...someone put it into for him because...because that person wants Harry dead! My thoughts were interrupted by a third year Gryffindor yelling, "Potter cheated! He just want the attention." I felt my blood boiled and stood up and raised my voice, "You better shut your mouth before I injured you badly." I searched for my wand in my robes, just before I was going to teach that dumbass a lesson, Dumbledore spoke," Everyone please returned to their dorms and rest. I will not be please if anyone start any unnecessary fights or rumor." I can see burning in his eyes and it terrifies me. Hermione tapped my shoulder, "Let's go." She said shakily. I looked around, Ron is nowhere to be seen. I sighed and followed Hermione. As soon as we entered our room, I let out a groan, "Please tell me this isn't real." I massage my head. Hermione stayed silence. "Hermione? You alright?" I asked. I searched for an answer but no sound came out. Suddenly, I understand. "YOU THINK HARRY PUT HIS NAME IN THE GLOBLET?" I said in distrust. She looked up, "No...I mean...I don't know! Maybe!" She exclaimed. I stared at her, refuse to believe what I just heard, "Hermione, clear your head! Why would he want to do that? This shit kills people!" I yelled. "Well, maybe he wants the glory and the money!" Hermione shout back. "Are you being serious right now?" I shrieked. "Everyone in Hogwarts says so. Even Ron!" She blurted out. I shook my head in disappointment, "Talk to me when you're thinking straight again. Goodnight."

The next morning, I woke up extra early and tip toed my way out the room without waking Hermione. It took me awhile to acknowledge that last night was real and Hermione and I had a huge fight. I quickly made my way down to the Great Hall, getting breakfast and packed some for Harry. I'm sure he wouldn't want to face anyone right now. "Alvina!" a voice that sounds like music to my ears called. I turned around and smiled as Cedric walked towards me beaming. "Hi Cedric." I said, happy to see him. "I've never seen you here this early." He said. "Yea...I'm usually not a morning person. I'm here to get breakfast for Harry." I let out a small laugh. He frowned, "Oh ok...he was with me last night." "What happened?" I asked, hopefully Dumbledore got him out of the tournament." Cedric hesitated, I immediately know there's no good news, "The tournament still has to go on. Putting your name into the globet is a commitment, Alvina." "But the point is he didn't put his name in the globet!" I cried out. I'm sure Harry is a tough person; what he had been through the past three years hadn't been easy, but this tournament seems to be all about magic knowledge that a fourteen years old wizard couldn't grasp. I can feel moisture forming in my eyes, I blinked, trying to hold back my tears that are dangerously on the edge of my eyes. "Hey, please don't cry." Cedric said softly, "I'll look out for him, alright? I'll do my best." I took a deep breath, "'s just no one believes him except me, even Ron and Hermione." I said sadly, the flashback of fighting with Hermione just breaks my already damaged heart. He patted my back, "I don't really know Potter well enough to trust him, but I do know you well so I believe him." I looked at him in surprise. I was taken back by his kindness. I smiled and it feels like the first time in forever that I had done so, "Thank you." I said. He smiled, "It's good to see your smile again. I have to go. Talk to me if you ever need me, love." He kissed my cheek and left. I let out a school girl giggle; I feel so much better now and I can actually accomplish something. I spotted Ron and Hermione and gathered my strength and walked towards them. Their chatter died down when they saw me. I frowned and said," Look, Harry is our best friends for so long and we know him too damn well that he wouldn't do anything to get attention; he already had enough." Ron snorted and Hermione looked around, avoiding any eye contact with me. I sighed and walked away, not wanting to start another fight with my best friends. "Alvina!" Ron called. I turned around and raised my eyebrows. "Of course, I believe in's just..." "Just what?" I said impatiently. He stayed silence and I understand why. Jealousy. I huffed and went to find Harry. I rushed upstairs and knocked on Harry and Ron's shared room. The door slowly cracked opened, there stood Harry; misery clearly written on his face. I pulled him into a hug, it must be hard for him last night; having people calling him cheaters and such. "Why are you here?" He asked in surprise as he hugged me back. I pulled away and showed him a basket of food, "I brought you breakfast. Do you want to go for a walk?" I asked. "Good idea." He said gratefully. We went downstairs, crossed the entrance hall quickly, and soon striding across the lawn toward the lake. It was a chilly morning, we kept moving while munching our toast. Harry told me what happened after he left with the champions; I accepted his story without question. "Well, of course I knew you hadn't entered yourself. The look on your face when your name was called gave it all out. The question is, who put it in? I agreed with Moody, someone wants to see you get hurt; and we're not going to let that happened." I stated. "We?" Harry asked. "Yea." I replied. "Have you seen Ron and Hermione in breakfast?" He asked. "Uh...yea" I said. "Do they still think I put my name in the globet?" He asked, hope in his voice. I chose my words carefully," Not exactly. I don't think so..." I said awkwardly. "What's that supposed to mean?" He asked, frustrated. "Oh Harry. Isn't it obvious?" I said despairingly. "They're jealous!" "Jealous?" said Harry incredulously, "Jealous of what? They want to make a prat in front of the whole school do they?" I take a deep breathe, sometimes boys are so senseless. "Look, it's always you who gets the attention, you know it is. And I know it's not your fault." I quickly added as Harry opened his mouth furiously. I patiently continued," I know you didn't ask for this...but...well, you know you're very famous and Ron and Hermione are your best friends. You tend to always outshined them...unintentionally of course." I finished. "Great" said Harry bitterly. "Really great. Tell them from me I'll swap any time they want. Tell them from me they're very welcome to do so...People gawping at my forehead everywhere I go..." I rolled my eyes, "I'm not telling them anything. You go tell them yourself." I said shortly. "I'm not running around after them trying to make them grow up!" Harry said, so loudly that several owls in a nearby tree took flight in alarm. "Maybe he'll believe I'm not enjoying myself once I've got my neck broken or-" "Harry stop!" I said seriously. I'm so fed up with my best friend constantly fighting and shouting at me I'm just doing my best fixing everything. "That's not funny at all. You know what we gotta do once we get back to the castle right?" I asked. "Yeah. Give Ron and Hermione a kick up the-" I groaned, "No. Write to Sirius. You've got to tell him what's happened. He wanted you keep him posted on everything that's going on at Hogwarts...It's almost as if he expected something like this to happen. I brought some parchment and quill with me-""Come off it," said Harry, looking around to check that we're not being overheard, "He came back to the country just because my scar hurt. He'll probably come bursting right into the castle if I tell him someone entered me in the Triwizard Tournament-" "He'd want you to tell him," I cut him off sternly. "He's going to find out one way or another." "How?" "Harry, this isn't going to be kept quiet" I said anxiously, rubbing my temples. "This tournament is famous and you're famous. I'll be surprised if there isn't anything in the Daily Prophet about you competing...Sirius would rather hear it from you, I know he would." "Okay, okay. I'll write to him" said Harry, throwing his last piece of toast into the lake. We both stood and watched it floating there for a moment, before a large tentacle rose out of the water and scooped it beneath the surface. "I can't believe you're doing and saying all these now...You're like Hermione." Harry said. I can't believe it either.

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