Hakeem Imagine For Janae

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Dedicated to Nae_Nae_

I was finally able to take a break when my cell started going off in my bag. A smile instantly came to my face as I saw who it was. I decided to let it ring a little, just to mess with him. "Hello," I finally answered. "Damn, took you long enough," he spoke, giving me chills as I heard the sleepiness still in his voice. "Would you rather I not answer at all next time," you teased with a chuckle. "Ha ha, you funny. You know you better answer when Daddy calls," he replied. I could feel him smirking through the phone. "Hakeem, wipe that damn smirk off your face. You ain't nowhere near being my daddy," I retorted before hearing him chuckle, "That aint what you was saying last night and did I ever tell you how sexy it is when you curse?" I simply rolled my eyes as the inevitable blush graced my features, he always got his mind in the gutter, "whatever Keem, don't tell me you just waking up. It's like 3 o'clock." I heard his cute laugh, causing me to smile even harder. "Technically, I been up for...3 minutes and 23 seconds," he shot back, pausing to read the time on his phone. I couldn't help but burst into laughter, causing people on set to look at me. I didnt care though since I was talking to my baby. "Aww you called me as soon as you woke up?" you asked. "Well you were the last thing on my mind before I went to sleep and the first thing on my mind when I woke up," he expressed. "Well you know what they say about that right?" you questioned. "Nah, what?" "That, that means you're in love." "Well then I guess they're right." I just sat there in amazement. Did Hakeem Lyon just admit that he loves me? My thoughts were interrupted by one of the set interns. "Yo, Janae! They need you back on set," she called. "Huh? Oh..uh, yeah I'm coming. Hey Keem, I gotta call you back. Work is calling." He chuckled, "ite ma, go fuck em up." "I got you," I giggled and was about to hang up before I heard him speak again. "...aye Nae." "Huh?" "I love you." My face turned into a tomatoe, "I love you too."

Ahhh so my first imagine done!! Did y'all like it??

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