Chapter 13

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Lauren was just done showering. She walked slowly to her closet and took out a navy blue tank top and a pair of boxer. She pulled on the clothing and walked to the long mirror, inspecting her figure. She looked at her right bicep. There's an image there. A dragon linked with a skull. It's a tattoo indicating that she was a gang leader. A tattoo that once make her so proud, and now she look at it in disgust. She hated every single thing she did before.

She wants to get rid the tattoo off of her body. But there is only one way. And it is very risky. It's called laser treatment. It has to be done repeatedly in a long run. Her skin will severely burn and she is potentially to get skin cancer. Apart from that, her body would have an ugly scar and she has to bear the pain during the treatment.

A loud knock on her door making she jumped, following by a voice, "Lauren..." It was Bella.

"Yes." Lauren answered, but still doesn't move from the closet to open the door.

"Lauren, Open the door, please...I just wanna take a look at your wound." Bella said in a pleading tone.

Lauren sighed and went out of the closet to her room and open the door. She stand at the doorway, doesn't want Bella to come into her room.

"Are you okay? Does your leg hurt anymore?" Bella asked as soon as her eyes met Lauren.

"Belle..." Lauren forced a smile. "I'm okay. But, I'm hungry though."

"You hungry? What do you wanna eat? Does pancake sounds nice?" Bella asked eagerly.

"Sounds good."

"Okay..." Bella pushed Lauren into the room until she sat on her bed, " You're lucky I made a lot of pancakes. Now, just sit here and wait. I'll bring your breakfast." Bella said, before exiting the room, not before giving Lauren a flirty wink.

Lauren sighed as she stood up to tidy her bed. She doesn't like it when her bed messy. As she was folding the blanket, she saw something. A phone. It's Bella's. She must have dropped it when she pushed Lauren on the bed earlier. Lauren took the phone and tried to unlock it with her birthday date.


Score! Bella hasn't changed her password. Lauren quickly dialed Dinah's number to tell her that she has to stay for a week. But she didn't mention about the shot. Knowing Dinah, she will probably kill her for getting shot.

After done talking with Dinah, she contemplated whether to call Camila or not. She can't sleep last night, thinking about the girl. She misses Camila. The way she smiles, the way she pouts when Lauren ignore her, her lame ass pickup lines. Lauren's face break into a smile thinking about Camila.

Lauren took a deep breath. Her heart was beating really fast. Just when she's about to call Camila, the door opened, revealed Bellawith a tray in her hand.

"Here's your pancake!" Bella chimed, as she put the tray on the bed.

"Umm...yeah. Thanks."Lauren faked a smile, "Oh, and by the way, you left your phone." Lauren said, handing her the phone.

'I'll call her later...She must be at work right now.' Lauren thought as she started to eat.


"Amy! Where's my key?" Camila stared at the desk where she placed her car keys yesterday. 'Weird' she thought. She remembered placing the keys there, and now, it's gone.

"Amy!" Camila called again when Amy didn't answer her the first time.

"Yeah!" Amy appeared from the kitchen, wearing apron and spatula in her right hand. She was probably cooking.

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