Two Years Later

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Courtney P.O.V.

I was on my way to this stupid Total Drama Reunion with Scott. We're engaged now. After everything with Duncan, it took me a while to trust someone again. I lived with Justin for a while, but all he tried to do was have sex with me. So, I moved out, and got my own place.

That was how I met Scott. He lived three doors down from my apartment, and I just kept bumping into him. We went out on dates, moved in together, and now we're engaged. It turns out that, he was on Total Drama: Revenge of the Island. Interesting.

Scott P.O.V.

I'm with Courtney!! Yes! Courtney's a babe. She's like really hot. And I'm glad that I got her. But, I do think that she still likes Duncan. She hasn't said anything the whole car ride over to this dumb reunion.

She's probably just nervous about seeing Duncan again. They haven't spoken since the wedding. If he so much as looks at Courtney, I'll pummel him into oblivion.

Duncan P.O.V.

I was on my way to the reunion with Gwen. Yeah, I just started dating Gwen because I didn't want to think about Courtney. It was obvious that she wasn't coming back. But, with this reunion coming up, I can just make Courtney jealous. I heard that she moved out of Justin's place. I hope she doesn't have anyone new in her life. To be honest, I still love her.

Gwen P.O.V.

As we were sitting across from our old camp mates, I couldn't help but notice the way Duncan was staring at Courtney and Scott. It was obvious that he still loved her. But, I'm his girlfriend now, not her. He cheated on her.

I didn't even know that Courtney was dating, let alone engaged. I just thought that she was with Justin.

Chris P.O.V.

"Alright contestants. For this reunion show, we will be doing some challenges. This little "reunion" is actually a new season of Total Drama, called Total Drama All-Stars. First challenge: The Love that Left. Yeah, I know it's a horrible name, but this specific challenge will cause some drama. I will pick four contestants, randomly, and they will go in a separate room and "talk about their feelings.""

I took a list out from my pocket.

"No fair, McLean. You said this would be random," screamed Heather.

I laughed. "I lied. Now, first up is.... Courtney and Scott. And," I looked at Courtney to see her reaction. "Duncan and Gwen."

Courtney looked like she was going to cry, Duncan had a smirk on his face, Gwen looked scared, and Scott looked like he was ready to kill Duncan. Hahahahaha let the drama begin.

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