Chapter 4

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” Violet, Amber is here.” the nurse said while she slowly opened the door. The room was as inviting as usual with the flowers next to the bed (that I always bought) and the cute pink curtains that framed the small window, that was open to spread some fresh air into the room.

”I'll leave you two alone.” the nurse said with a warm smile and closed the door behind us. I slowly walked towards the bed.

” Hi grandma.” I said and took her right hand in mine. She looked at me with big eyes, almost like she was surprised. A smile appeared on her lips.

”Amber! Is that you sweetheart?” she asked and responded my touch by squeezing my hand.

” Yes grandma, how are you?”

Her smile lingered on her lips before she answered me:

” I'm fine darling, now that you're here. It's been such a long time since I saw you Amber.”

I looked down at our intertwined fingers. She didn't really know what was happening to her, how she slowly began to forget things. Her memories slowly fades away. It was always hard seeing her like that, so I tried my best to fight back the tears that was burning in my eyes.

” I was here yesterday grandma.” I said with a small smile.

” You were? Ah, well. I'm old you know. The memory isn't as sharp as it used to be.” She let out a small laugh.

My grandmother Violet lives in a home for old people. The home is in London as well, so I'm the one that visits her the most. She was born and raised in London and have been living here for her entire life. It was a hard time for her when dad moved to Miami after the split up with mum, and when my mother and I moved with Jim and Mark it got even worse. Since grandpa had been dead for a few years, and we moved, she became completely alone. She managed to get her life back on track though, by using the same communication as I use with my dad, lots of phone calls and letters. She never managed to figure out how Skype worked though. But I still missed her every minute of the day. So the fact that I got a flat in London made everything a lot easier, because know she had her granddaughter in London again, and I could take care of her.

Nowadays, grandma is in pretty bad shape. When I still lived with my mum, Jim and Mark we got a phone call from the hospital in London. Grandma had gotten a heart attack. At the time, they didn't know if she would make it. I became very depressed during grandma's stay at the hospital, so scared of losing her. My grandmother and I have always had this great relationship, she was practically my best friend. As a kid we always did things together, like playing with my dolls and having lovely tea parties together. She was one of my favourite persons ever walking on this earth. She meant the world to me and gave me all the love I needed, and more.

But just like my dad, she found the strength to heal and carry on, and after many tears and frustrated screams, I finally got to hug my grandmother again. It was the most emotional hug I've ever experienced. She was alive! I still remember the conversation we had when we were wrapped in each others arms:

” Grandma, please, don't ever leave me.” I cried.

” My sweet Amber, we both know that day will come. The day when I can't hold you in my arms anymore. But I promise you that I will never leave you. I'll always be with you, one way or another.”

After that grandma became kind of weird. She was acting strange and kept saying stupid and strange things. She always kept asking me what day it was, even though I'd already told her. She had forgotten how to make tea when I was at her house one day. That's when I understood that something was wrong. If my grandmother didn't know how to make tea, how to bake and how to pay the bills, something's really wrong.

And it was.

As if the heart attack wasn't enough, grandma started to suffer from amnesia. We made the decision that she couldn't live by herself anymore, because she could might as well set the whole house on fire. It would be a lot better to put her on a home where she could meet some new people and have nurses that could keep an eye on her. After a lot of struggling and convincing, grandma finally agreed to the decision of moving.

And that's where we are today, right in this moment. Grandma is happy and laughs and smiles with the friends she makes. I'm just 30 minutes away with my car, so I visit her as often as I can. It actually makes me calm, because I feel safe there, with all those people around me. If anything would happen to me again, people would see it and, hopefully, help me.

I gently stroke the back of grandma's hand with my thumb and kissed her forehead.

” I love you grandma.”

” I love you too my little Amber. So tell me, where do you live nowadays?” I sighed. Did I actually have to tell her that story again?

Amnesia's a real bitch!

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