Chapter 9: The Fight

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"I pulled out the knife to help you, but now it's too late!" Thatcher yelled over the sound of the groans of the undead. There was no escape. Good bye cruel world. Jason started running towards Thatcher with pure anger but Wilson ran after him and pulled him to the ground.

"That's a dumb idea, dude." Wilson said to Jason. They both got up and ran back to the group to help survive. The zombies were closing in and we had no choice but to try and fight Thatcher and his gang. We started running towards the line of men, but Trevor had other plans. He charged straight into the herd of zombies.

"TREVOR!" Lylla screamed in horror. She tried to run after him, but I held her back. She fell to her knees and sobbed into my arm.

"He was all I had! He was my best friend. He was my ONLY friend." Lylla sobbed even harder.

"Hey. Listen to me. Are you listening? You will see him again. I promise you will. He loves you, and he did this to protect you. You have no proof that he is dead, okay? It's okay. We have to go, Lylla. Come on, lets go." I told her soothingly.

She nodded feebly and got up. I walked her up to the steps where the gang was fighting Thatcher and the dudes. Craig was still sitting on the steps while Amanda hit 4 zombies with a piece of wood at the same time. Jason was on top of Thatcher and they were wrestling a knife. Wilson had a dude with a really long beard in a headlock and Liz was round housing 2 men. I told Lylla to sit with Craig and cry it out, and I joined the fight. I went straight up to one of the guys trying to sneak back inside and swung my leg up onto his shoulder so that I could twist my torso while on top of him and bring him to the ground. I learned that move in tae kwon do 2 years before. He went down fast so I moved onto the next lumberjack and elbowed him in the nose after I kicked him the groin. These guys were twice my size but somehow my sheer will power to get the crew and I inside got me through it.

In less than 5 minutes, all of the dudes were passed out on the stairs . The zombies were still closing in so we all stepped into the cold darkness. Nobody could see anything, so Amanda lit a piece of cloth from her shirt tied to a small log as a makeshift torch. We walked along in silence except for Lylla's soft cries. I pointed to a room with the door labeled Dr. S. Phillips Project 7050.

"Isn't that the doctor from the news report?" I asked.

"Yeah, I believe so!" Jason replied.

"Wilson opened the door to something nobody would ever expect. A baby in a crib. Amanda gasped and went straight up to it.

"STOP!" I screamed. "It could be infected!"

Amanda backed away from the kid. I looked around the room. There were test tubes, needles, and papers scattered all over the counter spaces and the floor. The child started to cry and Amanda started to whimper.

"Please, Astrid, it's scared." She said.

"No. It could get you infected. We don't know anything about that child. Wait until we find information about it, okay?" I said softly. Craig was doing a lot better once the fight ended. He had Lylla in a hug, trying to comfort her, but it didn't seem to be helping. Liz and Wilson were quietly whispering together, and Jason was staring at the wall next to him. Parker was looking at different papers and I decided to waft some test tubes. I was really skilled in chemistry in school, but I mostly liked Biology, so this was right up my ally. Wilson came up to help but stopped in his tracks halfway there. The baby, that I was standing right next to, started growling and thrashing and biting the air. It's skin started to peel and it's ears were bleeding.

"Astrid! Get away from there!" Jason screamed. He ran over and swooped me up, causing me to drop the test tube. It splattered all over the baby, and it stopped thrashing so violently. It's ears even stopped bleeding.

"The cure." I stated in a whisper, still in Jason's arms.

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