Chapter Two.

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Part One

"God you're such an insufferable asshole!" I snapped pulling my seat belt on in a huff at Aiden, he was frowning too but put on his belt and started the car.

"Yeah well you're a snob but you don't see me reminding you every time I see you."  Rolling my eyes I couldn't help myself from having the last word.

"I could have just taken my own car, being with you for more than necessary is making me lose brain cells." My voice was rude and when I'm around him that's just the natural tone I take.

"God shut up Lydia, you're so whiny." He snapped with a raised voice, I once again felt myself rolling my eyes and crossing my arms over my chest. "Mature." He muttered in a low voice but thankfully the short ride to school was over and I jumped out the car charging towards school.

"Listen Lydia you seriously are the talk of town, everyone is going crazy." Lucille said to me as I got to my locker, I slammed it shut and took a deep breath.

"God that boy will kill me one day, he's driving me insane and it's only his second day here." I was just muttering to myself and Lucille was smirking at me as if she knew something I didn't, but it wasn't until I heard his voice all my anger faded away.

"Hey Lydia." Brad's hand grazed my back as he came into view from behind me, I sent him a bright smile as he returned one. "You still okay for lunch? I've got something I wanna tell you." My heart skipped and beat and nodded biting my lip before he got called by Jerry Cole to hurry for practise. I sighed happily leaning on the lockers before looking at Lucille.

"What do you think he wants to tell me?" I asked ideas and thoughts rushing through my head, I couldn't stop the smile on my face, she smiled and squealed obviously thinking the same as me.

He's finally gonna do it, he's going to tell me how he feels.

I gathered my stuff and looked down the hall towards where I had English Literature and I saw Aiden looking at me, he was talking to a tall blonde but his eyes were on me, he looked at Brad as he passed him but they flickered back to me and he gave me a knowing smirk but I'm not letting him get to me, today could be the day Brad finally tells me he's in love with me. I went to my class and had to endure three hours of classes before the bell for lunch rang, I jumped out of my seat to get to my locker and freshen up before I meet Brad.

Once I'm at the locker I shove the heavy books in there and ruffle my hair, thank god I washed it last night. I added some lip gloss to my lips to give them a tiny bit of colour and shut my locker only to find Aiden leaning against it.

"What do you want it's a bad time." I snapped trying to get past him only to get pulled back.

"We have to go home." I looked at him shocked and confused.

"What do you mean? No I have to meet Brad he has-" I was cut off by an impatient eye roll.

"Look if you actually checked your phone your dad would have called you about 100 times, we have to go the school know and everything, we've gotta go with them to some business meeting inNew York." He explained but I only took in New York and my eyes bulged out of my head.

"What that's like a three hour drive!" I exclaimed but Brad emerged from the class at the end of the hall and my heart leaped, this is it. I was about to shove Aiden out the way and head for Brad but as I stood right to go around him vaguely aware that he was still talking I saw Brad approach a petite brunette with a smile before wrapping his hands around her waist and pull her in for a short sweet kiss on the lips. My mouth fell open slightly at what was in front of me, I literally felt my heart tug in my chest and in the painful way not in the nice way it usually does when he looks at me or smiles at me. I blinked away the tears and looked away from them back at Aiden who was stood with a raised eyebrow and arms crossed, he looked at where I was looking and rolled his eyes.

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