Thankful for friday{3}

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"Thank the lord it's Friday" I cheer.

I start off my day with history, by the end of the lesson I think I was ready to shove pencils in my ears just so I don't have to  listen to Mrs Davis irritating voice for a minute, that woman's voice could drive you insane.

After a bunch of boring lessons I headed to lunch, I call Sarah and Hollie over to our spot, I was just about to sit down when Chase rushes in front of me and sits down so I accidentally sit on Chase!

"What the hell Chase?!"I yell, still sitting on his lap.

"Look Layla if you wanted to sit on my lap you could of just asked" he said looking and me with that sexy smirk.

At this point I can feel my cheeks burning red, why do i have to blush so easily?

"Um are we interrupting something?" Hollie asks while her and Sarah give me a big evil grin.

"Wait what?" I say looking at her like an idiot.

"Oh nothing" she says giving Sarah a look.

I was just about to make a comment when Reece Hunter, Matt Styles and Ky Black come over to my table, there also the schools bad boys you could say there part of a gang including Chase. They were all really good looking, Reece with his almost black hair and bulging muscles, he was a huge player, what I've heard Reece and Chase where really close then there was Matt the prankster, you could say he's the fun one, and last was Ky he was the quiet mysterious one of the group still a player but from what I've heard no where near as much as the other boys.

I got to say they make me a little nervous, why are they even heading over here I turn around to see Chase waving his friends over here I give him a stern look "why are you calling your friends over here this is were we sit" I point to Hollie and Sarah still not sure exactly what's going on.

"Well we want to sit here to so you can either leave or stay, up to you kitty" he says while taking my muffin of my tray and was just about to take a bite until;


"What the fuck you just bitch slap me" he says with his hands in the air holding my muffin, I grab my muffin and smile at him.

"Well you shouldn't be taking things that aren't yours"

At this point Reece Matt and Ky are all holding there stomachs from laughing.

Next thing I know Reece has his arm around me.

"Dude I really like her" Reece says with a huge grin on his face, he then plops himself next to me, Chase still next to me rubbing his face and sulking.

"Dude you really shouldn't of taken the girls muffin" Matt says just still laughing.

I liked these guys.

Ky and Matt sit down, then Hollie and Sarah follow still not sure what's going on or what to do, Sarah then gives me a look I just shrug my shoulders.

When I get home I'm surprised to see dad home so early,

"Hey dad" I say a little confused

"Hey sweetie how was your day?"

"Uhhh good, why are you home so early"

"Oh well I'm going out tonight with Donna and Ashley for dinner and I would really like it if you came".

Um no, no I think I'm good and plus I have a date with the sofa so if you don't mind--

"Uh hold it right there young lady, you will be going out tonight we are going to your favourite restaurant" i could tell how much it meant to him that I came.

The bad boy's weaknessWhere stories live. Discover now