To the hospital & Matureness

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I grabbed Zack's hand and pulled him to where the gang was.

"Guys, this is Zack", I said.

"Hi Zack", they all said with a smile.

"He is going to tag along", I said.

"You know let's just get the whole community to tag along won't we", Arron said. I gave him a dirty look.

"We keep bringing people along and when we have to fight we will fight for them", Aaron said.

"You won't hVe to worry, sir, I am a black belt in karate", Zack informed Aaron.

"Sure you do kid", Aaron said. Told Zack about my plan to find my mom and how to try and stop the virus.

"I can lead you to a local hospital further down the road, she could be hiding there", Zack said.

"Lead the way, good sir", I said.
We all followed Zack as he lead us threw the empty streets of Atlanta.

"It all seems just so unreal", Zack said still walking forward not looking at me.

"Yea, i know it seems like one of those realistic horror tv shows", Mark said.

"Exactly", Zack said still walking. We came to a clearing where a short path took us to what looked like a makeshift building.

"The original hospital is invaded by zombies but about a month ago this was made to help the weak or contain the bitten", Zack explained.

"Wait this has been going on for a month for you", I asked.

"Yup, we did fine at first until the goverment came after us because we were containing the bitten and if they would have gotten out we would all be dead. But they got out and all of this damages happened and people went in to hiding and  are trying to live once again", Zack said.

"Oh", I said. We walked closer and closer my heart pounding and wondering if my mom was alive and if she wasn't than what was I going to do. All alone.
We then came up the entrance of the place and Zack held the door open for all of us as we walked in. There were dead bodies and people every where.

"We have like a 10% chance on finding her Maddie if I did my calculations right", Bob said.

"Thanks for your kindness", I said. I began to look around at the people and realized that my mom was not there. She was gone. Like Jack and Mike she was dead. Now I'm alone. I turned and ran out the doors and everyone else followed me. My heart shattered. I ran into Wade who held me in his arms. I let it all out.

"You will be fine little one, I got you", Wade said. We walked away from the makeshift building. My brain could not take it at all. She was gone for good. Now what? Where would I go? Wade handed me to Mark who held me in a hug too. Like Jack Mark smelled of Cookies sort of but more the smell of coffee.

"Maddie.. I'm so so sorry, I know how you feel", Mark reassured me. I told Mark to put me down and he did. I cleared the tears out of my eyes.

"No.. No more tears I need to be mature about this and not.. cry", I sniffled. I turned form the group and stood there for a moment then turning back.  I gathered up my thoughts and thought about some positive out comes and stuff to motive me but it did not work at all. I was tired of fighting and crying, I needed to remain happy for what I have. I had been traveling with the best friends and the best makeshift family I could ever ask for. I was proud of that. More than I thought.

"Now what?", I asked.

"We should find a place to stay and make do, none of us can go home", Wade said.

"Agreed", Annalee said.

"Guys I have been hiding out in a building I call the safe house you guys are more than welcome to stay there if you like, I could use the company", Zack offered.

"Lead the way", Mark said. Zack lead us once again across Atlanta the city was large but I guess things have be really bad the city looks really scattered. Fire was everywhere too. We came to a really beat up building with rubble around it. 

"Home sweet home", Zack said putting his hands up majestically.

"How long have you lived here?", Bob said.

"A week now after my house was destroyed", Zack replied. "Why?",.

We walked in to the beat up door way which was once a beautiful lobby.  Zack showed us up to a flight of stairs.

"Follow me to your non destroyed room", Zack said walking us to the stairs. The place did not seem that bad. When we came to a hallway lined with wooden doors which were the hotel rooms.

"Guys just find a good condition room, This is my room", Zack said walking in to a room. "Goodnight",.

We all looked at each other then we choose our rooms. We agreed that one adult or considered a adult would be in a room with each group. Mark was with me, annalee, and Alexander. Fritz was with Wade and Kate and Anna. Then Bob and Aaron were in a room.

"Try to get some sleep, if you can in this heat", Mark said. Mark called the bed and I  curled up on to the floor. Annalee fell asleep in the bath tub when she found a blanket.  I cried my self to sleep whitch made me fall asleep faster. Night Jack and Mike!

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