20. The Squad

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"That's a wrap for today guys!" Rochelle, our dance captain, called. A groan of happiness sounded throughout the dance studio as we all started popping the bottle caps of our bottles of water. Dance practices had become more frequent since our headteacher told us that we were performing at BG's pride fair tomorrow. So you could guess that Rochelle had us sweating our bloody asses off every Tuesday and Friday from 4-6. I proceeded to hug Mai when she held her hands out. Rude much? I was only celebrated a job well done.

"You need to cool off or at least wipe yourself off before touching me," she warned.

I took a look at myself. My high ponytail was drooping and my hair sticking to my forehead. I was in a sports bra and leggings with sweat lining every damn inch of my body. Starting to see what she meant, I backed away and walked over to my cubby to get my towel out of my bag. Most people would've rushed to the showers but I couldn't clean myself in those things. The showers weren't even clean so I resorted to towels and deodorant.

"Glad you catch my drift," Mai said while drying herself off with her own towel. I rolled my eyes while throwing my towel back into my bag and throwing on my zip up hoodie and picking up my bag.

"Guys, don't forget that we have a final run through twenty minutes before showtime. Be here at least ten minutes before then," Rochelle called as we proceeded to leave the dance studio. While walking towards the stairs, Mai grabbed my hand, restricting my movement.

"I know we just got unsweaty but I need to go through that first and final part again," she pleaded.

I rolled my eyes. Mason, Alisha and Jayleen were waiting outside the building but I knew Mai wouldn't drop this. So, I let out a huge sigh and walked back into the dance studio (which was now deserted) and threw my stuff in the corner.

"With or without?" I asked, holding up my phone.


I hooked my phone up to the speakers and "Monster" by Meek Mill started playing. Taking my position next to Mai, I showed her the first few steps for the beginning before pausing the song and letting her catch up. That's how it went, pretty much. Me showing her and her catching up. Before you knew it, she was polished and smooth as ever.

"One more run through?" I asked Mai and she nodded.

Clicking the button, I took my position next to Mai as the music started blaring. I started to move and writhe. I started to crump and move through the music and loosen up. My moves were crisp and the sweat on my forehead dripped and my shoes made light squeaks on the ground. Once done, I heard clapping coming from behind me. My head whipped around to see three familiar faces. Mason was looking at me while clapping insanely, like a seal. Jayleen and Alisha mirrored each others looks; pure jaw-drop. Their mouths were open in shock.

"Woah," they breathed out.

"Yeah," Mason said.

Me and Mai cracked a fake curtsy while walking over to our bags and drying ourselves off for the second time today.

"Was that routine for BG pride tomorrow?" Alisha asked.

We nodded while splashing ourselves with our water bottles and also taking a large swig. I dried myself and threw on my jumper before walking over to Mason who was still at his position at the door. He smiled at me and slipped an arm around my waist.

"You dance really well," he gushed while rubbing his nose against mine.

"You don't mind that I'm all gross and sweaty?" I asked.

He laughed while placing both hands on my waist. "I've seen you with morning breath, crusty eyes, in hospital and with red and puffy eyes. D'ya think I mind?"

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