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"You didn't come to Starbucks tonight," Luke said, walking into the bathroom while I stood in my robe and curled my hair.

"Yeah, I wanted time to get ready for tonight." I loosened the curling iron from my hair and let my fresh curl fall down my shoulder.

"What's tonight?" Luke propped up the toilet seat and started peeing.

"Nice." I rolled my eyes at him. Sometimes it seemed like he was a little too comfortable around me.

"What are you doing tonight? Plans with Ashton?" Luke ignored my comment and flushed the toilet, putting the seat back down and nudging me with his side out of the way so he could wash his hands.

"Yes," I replied. "He's taking me to dinner at a little Italian cafe."

"Italian? Fancy." He dried his hands on the hand towel and took off his pants, tossing them into the dirty laundry hamper.

"It's not that fancy," I said, curling the last few strands of my hair that were left.

"Well it's fancy considering tonight I am going to make macaroni and cheese in my underwear," Luke said back as he unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it into the hamper as well, leaving him in only his underwear.

"You go ahead and have fun with that," I said. "I need to do my makeup."

"I need to do my makeup," Luke mimicked me in a girly voice, walking out of the bathroom, flipping imaginary long hair off his shoulder and strutting out.

I laughed and rolled my eyes at him and I heard the TV turn on in the living room and I already knew Luke had plans for watching Netflix and eating cheap food all weekend.

I pulled out my bag of makeup from under the sink and retouched the makeup I'd put on this morning for work, which took me less than 10 minutes to do. I left the bathroom after checking my hair one last time and headed to my bedroom to get dressed.

I decided on a sweater and skinny jeans, what I usually wear. I pulled on my laced brown boots and my forest green jacket and grabbed my purse to head into the living room.

Right as I was walking into the hallway to head to the living room, the doorbell rang and Luke opened the door right in his underwear, obviously not caring who was there.

"Hello Ashton," Luke said, stepping aside for Ashton to come in. "You're right on time."

"Hey," I smiled at Ashton, who was wearing a grey sweater and black skinny jeans, his curly hair in a mess over his head.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked, smiling at me as well.

I nodded and walked with Ashton out the door and we headed down the elevator to his car.

"I'm so sorry about Luke answering the door in his underwear," I said once we sat and he turned the heat on a little, warming me up already.

"That's alright," he laughed. "He has no shame."

"I don't understand him sometimes," I said. "He is so comfortable just walking around with no clothes on, it's weird."

"Well hey, I like to walk around my own house with no clothes on," he said. "You actually find it quite satisfying."

"I'm definitely not going to walk around my house with no clothes on."

"Well I appreciate that considering there is another man in your house," Ashton said, making me laugh.

In no time we were at the small cafe he was talking about, and he took my hand and walked inside with me.

"You'll love the sandwiches here," he said. "They're called panino."

"I think I've had one before," I said. "And I don't remember not liking it."

Ashton ordered us both a vegetarian panino, which had cheese, tomato and basil leaves in it and it was like eating Heaven itself.

"This is so wonderful," I said, taking another bite of the sandwich. "I never even doubt that I love Italian food more than anything else."

"I'm glad you enjoy it so much," he chuckled, taking a bite of his own sandwich.

After a few minutes, Ashton set his sandwich down and sighed, looking at the Italian framed posters on the walls. "I've always wanted to travel to Italy."

"Really?" I asked. "Why don't you?"

He shrugged. "No one to travel with?" He looked down from the wall and locked eyes with me.

"I've always wanted to travel Europe," I said. "Ireland, Sweden, Switzerland, England, Italy. I love Europe."

"Why haven't YOU traveled to Europe then?" he asked, turning the question back onto me.

"Well..." I trailed off, looking down at the remaining half of my sandwich. "A lot of things have gotten in the way of my plans for my life."

"How?" he asked. "I don't think you should ever let anything get in the way of you chasing after what you want."

"It's a long story..." I laughed nervously. "A really long story that's really boring anyways."

"I want to hear about it," Ashton said, folding his hands on the table in front of us and leaning in a little closer. "I love stories and I don't think you could bore me."

"It really isn't that big of a deal," I said. "We should get some Gelato. I want dessert. I'll pay." I started to get up, but Ashton stopped me.

"Taylor." He looked me in the eyes. "You're acting weird. Can't you just tell me?"

My heart rate started to pick up. "Umm... It's just because I don't have the money to travel." I shrugged. "I mean Europe is expensive and I share an apartment with a college student."

"That was an awfully short explanation for it being such a long and boring story." Ashton raised an eyebrow at me.

"Well I don't want to get into it right now Ashton!" I started to freak out before I could realize what I was doing. "You can't just walk into my life and try to ask questions and know everything about me!"

I got up from the table and grabbed my purse and jacket from the chair, quickly pulling my jacket on as I walked towards the door.

"Taylor, wait!" Ashton stood from the table as well, pulling out a 20 dollar bill and tossing it on the table before following after me.

"I'm not trying to just come in and question you about your life Taylor," Ashton said as I walked quickly down the sidewalk, but he was too fast for me.

"I don't want to talk about it anymore Ashton!" I stopped on the sidewalk, waving to a taxi.

"I'll drive you home," Ashton said.

"No," I said. "Leave me alone Ashton."

The taxi pulled over and I stepped in the passenger seat and told the taxi driver my address before Ashton could get in the car with me.


(A/N: I know Taylor probably seems like she's overreacting and being a drama queen but you will understand why later! Keep reading (-: )

Runaway - Ashton Irwin *completed*Where stories live. Discover now