06 Peace

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The sun shined through the curtain and enlightened the high school students face. Yuna breathed in deeply. The girl opened her eyes.

"Where am I?"

She let her eyes wander around the room and identified it as her and Yui's room. Relieved, she sank back into her pillow and continued to slumber.

In her mind appeared Tirr's grinning grimace.

She was startled, got in a sitting position and reached for her face. She closed her left eye, then her right, but could normally see. It had been a nightmare, right?

"Yui?" She peered over the edge of her bed into her sister's beneath, but it was empty.

Yui crouched trembling with closed eyes in the corner and pressed her ears shut with her hands. She cried.

"Yui?! Where are you?" Yuna climbed down from the bed. She turned around, so she could look at the wall to the living room.

The head of a beast broke through the wall.

This wall was intact. She went to the door, hesitated a moment, then pressed down the handle and stepped into the hallway.

Her mother lay dead on the ground.

She turned to the right, but there was nothing unusual. From the kitchen she heard the rattling of dishes. While she followed the corridor, she looked at the coffee table in the living room.

Her father was slammed against the table and destroyed it on impact.

Yuna's gaze wandered through the living room.

Tirr. The beasts. Her father, with his own sword nailed to the wall. Mai ... Tirr. As he laughed. As he tormented her. As he had gouged her eye.

The blue-haired entered the dining room that was connected with the kitchen. She discovered her mother cooking. She was wearing a summer dress with a flower pattern, her favorite dress. The slender woman paused for a moment, then she turned around. Her blue eyes flashed delighted when she became aware of her eldest daughter.

"Good morning, honey.", she greeted the girl.

"Mother ..."

"Everything okay?"

Her mother. Dead on the ground. Killed by a beast.

Her mother stood before her. Yuna rushed up to her and hugged her tightly. Tears of relief ran down her cheeks. "Mother!"

"I'm happy to see you, too." Tenderly, Kaori stroked over Yuna's blue hair.

Ayu squealed in her baby chair while she was playing with a stuffed bunny.

"Ayu ..." Yuna laughed happily, leaned over and kissed her little sister on the forehead. Searchingly, Ayu looked at her big sister and chuckled amused.

The blue-haired looked at the dining table. It was covered with breakfast utensils. From the radio sounded music. There were only two dishes on the table.

Something was wrong.

"Where is Yui?", she curiously asked her mother.

Kaori sighed. "I don't know."

"And Mai?"

The woman shrugged. Her blonde curls bobbed.


"He's not here, either."

Yuna sat down at the table. The blue-haired tried to look out the window. From the outside shone in dazzling, bright light. There was nothing to be recognized.

"Are we ...?" The girl couldn't pronounce it.

Kaori sat down with Ayu, opposite of her oldest daughter and began to feed the baby with carrot mash. "Dead? I guess so."

The high school student swallowed hard.

"Though ..." The mother wiped Ayu's mouth, then she tried to administer another spoonful of the mash. "You are still alive."

"Why do you think that?"

"You feel different."

"I feel different?" Yuna did not understand.

Kaori sighed. She leaned over and stroked Yuna's cheek, went with her fingers through the blue hair. "You feel different."

"But ... I do not understand ..."

Ayu had another spoon of mash put in her mouth by Kaori. "I don't understand, either. You feel different than Ayu, or myself. You're not dead."

"But I'm here. With you."

"That's true. I guess you will be leaving soon."

"I don't want to go away. I want to stay here with you."

Her mother smiled warmly. "Of course. Stay as long as you'd like. But at some point you're going away."

"No! I will never leave here."

Kaori sighed. "Wrong. I will never leave. I can't open the door."

"Which door?!", asked Yuna surprised.

Ayu whined and tried to grab the spoon. Kaori shook her head, her curls bobbing again, then she fed her youngest daughter the next spoonful.

"The front door. I can't open it, but I believe that you can do it."

Blankly, the girl looked at her mother. "That makes no sense."

Yuna got up from the table and went to the front door. She looked at the door frame, then inspected the door handle with her gaze.

Her mother came over with Ayu on her arm.

"When you're gone ... could you look for your sisters? And your father?"

The blue-haired swallowed hard. She grabbed the door handle and slowly pressed it down. The door slid open and bright light shone in. "Sure."

"Take good care of yourself, honey."

"Yes, mother."

Ayu stretched out her hands to the light and squealed.

"I love you, mother. You too, Ayu."

"We love you too, Yuna. Be careful."

The high school student nodded, then she walked through the door.

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