Caught Dumb in the Rain

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Yugi woke up the next day to patters of rain atop their tent. His grandfather cursed on the other side of camp. So much for a three day weekend of camping. The weather forecast had said nothing about rain, but that just goes to prove that luck is luck, and sometimes she wasn't with you. Since it hadn't been forecasted, Tea suggested that the rain would soon stop and that they could probably wait it out in their tents. After several torturous horror stories from Joey (Yugi hated horror stories, though Yami was unfazed by them), and a quiet conversation about the importance of weak monsters in a duel deck with Yami, the rain had yet to stop. In fact, it only increased. Was it just him, or did the river look like it was widening?

He couldn't tell what time in the day it was when his grandfather decided to call it quits.

"Those clouds aren't looking too good," he said, "if this rain grows into the good sized storm its threatening, it won't be safe for us anymore. There could be mudslides, lightning, and who knows what else."

Joey and Tristan were probably the most disappointed. They had planned an intricate war game to play in the forest with air-soft guns. Yugi was disappointed for this too. As they loaded all their goods into the white van, getting muddy and soaked in the process, Yami took his place by Yugi.

"I feel it again. Something is going to happen."

"Good or bad?" asked Yugi, attempting to stuff the tent that was nearly his same size into a small hole in the luggage in the van. Yami wavered hesitantly with his hands over Yugi's before Joey rushed over to save his friend from being squashed.

"I don't know. It could be either. Or, it may just be nothing."

"With you, it's rarely nothing." said Yugi, face flushed and hands on his knees. "Boy, what I wouldn't give to be bigger."

"You'll hit a growth spurt eventually, don't worry, and I guess that comes with being an ancient spirit."

Yugi nodded, dusting off the mud from his hands.

"Well, I just hope it's good. I think I've had enough trouble to last me a lifetime."

Yami gave him a wry smile. "And more."

"Hey Yug, you talking to Yami?"

Yugi cringed. Joey didn't look disturbed, but Yugi was so self-conscious he didn't like looking like a crazy in front of his friends. But he nodded. If he had wanted to, he could speak with Yami inside his mind, but often times he forgot to and fell into speaking out loud.

"Yeah. He says he feels like something's coming."

"Good or bad?"

"We don't know."

"Man, I hope it's good, then. Like stumbling upon a secret garden of hot babes who need a duelist to protect them." Yugi could almost see the drool inching out of Joey's mouth. At that moment, Tea came around, a deep scowl on her face. There were shadows under her eyes.

"Joey, stop it! You have Mai, don't you?"

Joey snapped to attention, instantly apprehensive of the obviously moody young woman. "Well, yeah, but I'm still a guy. Besides, what do you think I'd do if we found some lonely sexy babes who need a protector? Would you just want me to leave them there?"

"Ugh! That's not what I'm saying! You guys don't get anything."

Yugi sensed a fight coming. How unlike Tea. "Um...Tea?"

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