A thousand years

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Talent show night yay!
I wear a light blue dress and high heels and Gavin wore jeans and a t-shirt.
"Next up is Stacy Blevins."
Mr. Johnson
"Ok we're next." I say nervously
"Hey don't be nervous."
"I can't the while schools here."
"Well your parents are here."
"Ok I can do this,"

"Thank you Stacy and remember who ever wins gets 150 dollars from the school, and next up is Emma Cullen and Gavin Lucas."
And everyone claps and we walk on stage
"Hi we are doing a thousand years by Christina perri but this is the part two version." I say and the music starts
The day we met frozen I held my breath right from the start I knew that I'd found a home for,heart beats fast colors and promises how to be brave how can I love when I'm afraid to fall watching you stand alone all off doubt suddenly goes away some how, one step closer I have died everyday waiting for you darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more
Time stand still beauty in all she is I will be brave I will not let anything take away what standing in front of me every breath every hour has come to this
One step closer,I have died everyday waiting for you darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more, and all along I believed I would find you time has brought your heart to me I will love you for a thousand yeas I'll love you for a thousand more, oh oh oh oh oh oh ooh oh oh oh I'll love you for a thousand more oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh,
One step closer, I have died everyday waiting for you darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more
And all a long I believed I would find you time has brought your heart to me I will love you for a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more
We sang and everyone was in tears and standing and we walk off stage.
"The judges have decided and the winner or winners are..... Emma Cullen and Gavin Lucas!" He says and everyone tears
so we walk on stage and everyone was standing and we held the sign and someone took our picture. we walk backstage and my parents and siblings were here so they hugged us and they were saying how great we were.
"Ok let's go home." I say exhaustedly
"Well not yet you have fans."
And my mouth was a big O shape
And I had to walk though people who were giving me high fives and telling us how good we are and we finally made it out and I started to walk fast toy car and I looked to make sure no ones around
"Hey you want to race?" I said wiggling my eye brows
"Yea." he said
"On your marks.... get set.....go!" I said and started running and by the time he was there I was leaning across the car and and he was leaning down on me and he came close
"Ha I win!" I say braggingly putting my fist in the air and next week we have to fight the voultori."

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